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With the morning sun illuminating the snowy white walls of the bedroom, Jimin's ellongated shadow casted over the sleeping figure of the girl in the bed. Soft fluffy sheets enveloped her curves as her lashes fluttered with every slow breath she took.

The male slipped a smile at her peaceful state, finding it a waste having to wake her up as he knew that it'll disturb the tranquil casted on her. However duty was calling for her... Well, six anxiously excited men down in the living room actually were.

He carefully shook her body while calling her name under his breath, but he got no reply. Even after a couple of trials, she remained fast asleep. It didn't surprise him since she probably barely got any sleep last night. Unfortunately for her, she couldn't get more for today.

Jimin sighed and stretched his back for a second before leaning over her again, this time trying something else. He rolled her on her back and began tapping her cheeks, sqeezing them playfully.

"Yeonna. Wake up."

Nothing. "Yeonna?" Again no responce.

"Yah, Yeonna! Get up we don't have time for this," he said a little annoyed as her eyelids continued to be tightly glued onto each other, her heaving chest seemingly showing the only sign of life present in her. He never knew that she was a fast sleeper until now. Noted.

After one full minute, Jimin gave up and pulled his phone out of his pocket. He put on his own alarm, setting the alarm's volume at it's fullest, and held it close to her ear. This would most definitely hurt, but it was his last resort not to conflict any long-lasting pain on her just to wake her up. And this sound, would most definitely wake her from the dreamland that despeeately held her captivated.

The alarm started fading in. The loud sound departed from the speakers straight into her ear passage, immediately convulsing the eardrum that pulled her out of her Dreamland in an instance. Or rather kicked her out.

With a loud gasp, she shot up, almost bamging her head against the bended man who retreated just on time to not get their skulls knocked. Her hands flung over to her ears as a loud, sharp, and continuous beep chimed in her brain, inducing light-headedness and a rilling to travel down her spine.

"OWWW THAT HURTS- WHAT THE FUCK!?" She cursed in disdain as she pulled her knees to her chest, pursuing on tightly closing her ears and eyes of the bright light that had suddenly penetrated through her pupils as well, groaning. Jimin found it almost sound animalistic, but adorable. Like an angry cat. Though he found her more a fox-type of girl.

"Then you had to wake up when I called you a minute ago"

She groaned at the sound of the blonde's voice and fell back in the creased in the matress where she had sunk into for the last couple of hours. Turning her back to him.

"Get out."

"Excuse me?"

"Leave me alone," she mumbled as she tried to crawl further under the sheets to disappear. But the man would not accept having to go through wasting more time to get her ready.

"Your sleeping-hours are over. Get dressed. The others are already waiting for you".

"Then let them wait. I'm not going to hurry for them".

Jimin let out a groan, hands on his hips and head facing the ceiling from exhaustion, Why is she so goddamn difficult.

Without a care, the man suddenly jerked the sheets off of her torso, exposing her silky, royal blue camisole that was a bit messed around. She yelped a sound squeak at the sudden chill flashing over her skin, causing goosebumps to occur.

"Well, l would you look at that", Jimin smirked at the sight of something obviously accidentally exposed, "You move so much in your sleep that certain things don't want to stay covered. What's the point of even wearing anything at all, hmm?"

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