Chapter 3: Jack

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If you had to know what's scary, you can get a lot of answers from me at least, but it's pretty obvious - I'm scared of heights.

When there are heights, there isn't solid ground and you could fall any minute. Unlike Grace I prefer to tell my story from my perspective. It's not too hard.

As we went into the forest, I tried to understand what the others were thinking. I wasn't worried. Like me, Grace was smiling well spirited and happy. Dune was examining every single thing and looking for something in her bag. Nicolas was picking up shiny gemstones from the ground and Hakoda was drinking water for at least the 7 time in 3 minutes. Theo was chasing off flies, and examining their small bodies, Livia was taking pictures of everything and Avery was checking the names on his hundreds of medical stuff. 

I decided to start a conversation. 

,,So..'' I started ,,Anyone want to talk about something?..''

,,Sure'' Nicolas took a sapphire and putted it in his bag then looked at me. ,,Why not?''

Livia looked very pleased ,,I took enough pictures let's start''

,,Okay'' Grace said ,,talk about what?''

,,Uh, 3 questions - 1) princess what are you searching for and 2) Can we call Nicolas, Cola 3) Hakoda how haven't you peed your pants by now?'' I answered.

,,Too easy.'' Hakoda putted his water bottle back in his bag ,,I can't stay di-hydrated for too long''

 ,,Usually people call me Nico or Luca, but Cola works.'' Cola smiled.

I laughed ,,Okay, princess what about your highness?'' 

I didn't say it to sound like mocking. It's just Caymansite law and it's very formal and a sign of respect.

,,Uh'' The princess huffed and puffed ,,Please, call me Dune. I'm tired of formal respect'' She stuck her hand in her bag.

,,Okay Dune'' it was kind awkward calling a royal by her first name ,,What are you searching for?''

,,Umm, 3 things'' she stuck her hand deeper.

,,Like what?'' I asked.

,,Like a book and..'' she pulled her hand out of the bag ,,Got 'em!''

She was holding two twin knifes and a book. The blades were made from something transparent, shining in bluish and fire like light. The book was leather strapped and a pentagram on it's cover. 

,,What's that, your highness?'' Cola asked. 

,,My dear Watson, since you were so nice to use formalities'' she said ,,this is a book''

,,No, I mean what kind of book is it, Dune?'' He asked again, slowly saying her name.

,,It's a magic list - every single magical place, creature, and anything is said inside. It's basically a tourist guide for kids in the Fateful forest. It's been past down in generations in the Caymansite royal family''

,,That's smart. What does it say?'' I asked.

,,Something about... Oh, there's a map!'' she marveled.

,,So where are we?'' Grace joined the conversation.

,,Were near..'' she struggled reading the old English. 

,,Near where?'' Livia looked in the book.

Dune sighed ,,Near the love spring'' 


'What do you mean, the love spring?' Grace asked.

'Why is it called ,,love'' spring?' Hakoda looked in the book.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 10, 2021 ⏰

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