12: Sober thoughts, they say

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"Whoa~ the world is spinning~" Wobbling around, Rushia took steps to the outside pool.
Some groups gathered around in the water while others just sat at the chairs.

At the corner of her eye, Rushia caught a glimpse of a couple making out in the corner, or were they whispering?
Her vision was too blurry to see clearly. Taking one last sip from her cup, she burped, not so loudly with her mouth being covered with her arm.

Even drunken, Rushia still had proper manners.
The outside speakers blurted out one of Taylor Swift's songs as Rushia trudge to one of the corners. "Gorgeous was it?" She filtered through countless of shoulders and red cups.

Turning and tripping herself for her back to face the wall, she sit still at the corner. Her chest rose and fall in a steady rhythm, taking in air.
Rushia was getting lonely to the point she's starting to smell the intoxicatingly sweet perfume Noel usually wears.


She's not imagining the perfume, she's actually smelling it, her head slowly lifts up to be met with emerald eyes.
There stood Shirogane Noel, confusingly smiling. "How long have you been here?" She slightly bent to reach out a hand.

Rushia of course took it then stood up. "Longer than you expected."
Over Noel's shoulder peaked Pekora with an anxious Flare on her tail.
"Oi, Oi, Oi! You pishes of shet!" Pekora stumbled her way across the pool.

She took another sip from her cup then made yet another cumbersome step. "Having a reunico without meh?!?! How dare ya, peko!" With one tug of Rushia's wrist, she held the girl tight in a hug then started planting kisses on her face.

Rushia giggled on the onslaught. "Remind me how affectionate drunken Pekora is." Slowly, Pekora swayed both of their bodies.
"Where's Marine?" Flare asked, searching for the missing sh¡thead of the group.

All of them shrugged, except Pekora who was too busy whispering sweet nothings in Rushia's ear.


Rushia felt as if the party was going on forever, not only that, but the world around kept spinning, she barely had control over herself.
She checked the clock, informing it is only 11:41 at night. Sighing, she trod out the bathrooms then wandered around the place.

Later she found herself at the same room she last saw Marine at.
"How you doing?" As if her search was heard, Marine popped up beside her. Rushia's body responded with a jump then tried to play it off.

"I'm- alright."

The redhead only chuckled, giving Rushia a slight burst of heart rate.
From one of the couches they watched the room get messier and crowded, comfortably sitting next to each other. Then another song started to play.

At that point, Rushia was out of control of her own mind.
"Marine." She called out to the girl beside her, who was eyeing some girl across the room. "Mhm?"

"I feel.. dizzy." Rushia laid the back of her head on the couch's back.
"That's probably the drinks." Marine added, her eyes still locked across.
"And hungry." Rushia raised her eyebrows to drag her tired eyelids up.

Now Marine's eyes are on her, "Me too. I heard there's pizza, want me to grab some for us?" She offered.
"HEEYYYYYY!! There you guys are, peko!" Pekora ran towards the two, stumbling on her steps which Flare averted inconveniences with fast reflexes and some experience with an intoxicated Usada Pekora.

Between Marine and Rushia, Pekora toppled on the couch, her face almost hitting its back.
"Hey nousagi-chan, is the floor rocking a little too much?" Marine teased the drooling Pekora.

The latter placed her hand on Marine's shoulder then pointed the other at her. "Don't nousagi, nousagi me, hose. It's sachou to you, peko. I'll blow you up, i'm telling ya!"
Rushia smirked a little, the threat was more adorable than scary with Pekora's finger gun.

Pekora caught sight of Rushia. "Hey Ruu-chan~" Her tone was awful, flirtatious? Than it's usual.
"Got the womanizer, aye?" She staggered on Rushia then slapped her on the back. "I'm so proud of you, peko!"

Rushia's eyes widened, giving a 'WHAT ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT?!' look. Marine turned to Flare, looking rather lost. The blonde only shrugged, but it was obvious she knew what Pekora meant by the grin.

Marine took a look at Rushia. "What does that supposed to mean?"
Both Pekora and Rushia panicked, thankfully, Flare was there to fix it up. "She meant like you guys sitting together."

Marine seemed like she took the excuse, well- for Rushia.
"Yes peko! You guys look adorable together, mwah." Pekora blew a kiss at Marine, a surprise to everyone else.
Pekora belted a hearty laugh, its pitch rapidly changing.

Afterwards, a beaming Noel joined the group, a bottle of soju in-hand.
"Noel's definitely drunk, right?" Rushia asked. Flare observed her girlfriend who seemed like the definition of wildlife. "Maybe about a bottle more." She added.

"Noesh totally gonna pass out waaaay before me!" Pekora wiped her arms in the air, the only detail missing was a rainbow appearing after it.
"Anyways.." Flare cut off. "You two wanna play beer pong with me and Okayu?"

Both Marine and Rushia turned to each other, before nodding at the same time. "Sure, let's play." The red-haired got up from her seat then reached an arm to her now supposed partner.


Rushia went to the kitchen to refill her own cup, not only was she dizzy but her body was starting to heat up, still sweating from a game Marine carried, as usual, surprisingly.
Once the cup was filled she took one big gulp, finishing it all. "That's the last shot, i swear."

Rushia decided to head out and possibly take in some fresh air at the porch. She went through the sea of people flooding the halls like a fish swimming upstream.
The song suddenly changed to "Swim" by Chase Atlantic. "Was that intentional?"

Passing through, she made it to the porch. With slow movement she ended up at the steps then leaned to the side-railing. The moon shone at its finest beauty up at the sky, full.

A single leaf blew past her foot, about to travel somewhere unknown, in immeasurable distance.

"Would you look at that, destiny led me to where you are. We're really meant together, aren't we?"

She turned to see Marine leaning on the side of the open door.
Rushia scooted over, signalling the other girl to sit beside her.
Marine perched on the porch's stairs.

She raised her legs then placed her chin on her knees, arms wrapped around it. The two sat in silence, watching or staring at nothing in particular. It was one of their routines, sticking together with silence.

Induleged with alcohol, Rushia started, "I wanna know how you do it..." The red-haired turned to her, both locked eyes. "Pardon?" Marine tilted an eyebrow.

Rushia lowly giggled before continuing, "Like when your eyes wander someone else, how do you crush a part of me?" She then took one deep inhale, eyes averted from Marine. "Or maybe when you simply stare at me.. How do you summon butterflies in my stomach?"

Marine was left silent, processing every single word coming out from Rushia. Unconsciously, Rushia's head leaned to the redhead's shoulder, her chin steading to the side to face Marine. There was no escape for the both of them.

"What is it that you're trying to imply Uruha?" Their lips were dangerously close to each other, the scent of beer invaded both their noses, they were practically breathing the same air.

Slowly, Rushia's eyelids dropped. Just a second before she pass out, Rushia managed an, "I love you, dammit." Just like that, she lost all her senses

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