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authors note:
I thought it might be nice to include conversations of the characters with Luna. This is the first one and it's with Vanitas. This is not included in the anime but an extra conversation I added that would be better for the readers to see the relationship of Luna with other characters by showing these conversations. These conversations may be used in the main story later on so plz do not miss this. Enjoy!

𝙩𝙝𝙞𝙧𝙙 𝙥𝙚𝙧𝙨𝙤𝙣 𝙥𝙤𝙫:

So here they were.....locked up....in jail...behind bars... Luna, Vanitas, and Noé
Noé unconscious because of the poison. He truly outdid it. Luna was stuck with not one but two idiots.

"What were you thinking??!" Luna says with great fury
"What? me? if u want to be mad at someone be mad at him! He was the one who lead us here." Vanitas defends himself by blaming Noé
"Who told you to tell them we were with you when we were not?!" Luna replies. Smoke coming out of her ears at this point.
"......" Vanitas has no answer
"Exactly. Shut up!" She says to the man whom she was formerly called a blueberry.
"Fine! I'm sorry. I guess"
"I guess???"

They both keep bickering for a hot minute till Vanitas says
"We are going to be here for a while. How about we get along for now? This guy doesn't seem like he would be up soon."
"Fine.... what do you want to talk about?" Luna says giving in
"Who are you?" Vanitas says or more like starts interrogating her.
Luna had a slight idea why he was asking that by she didn't plan on telling about herself so soon. She decided to play dumb
"Who am I? Ohhhhhhhh do you mean to ask if I'm a vampire or human? I'm a vampire" Luna lies easily
"No, that's not what I meant. What I mean to ask is, do you have any connection with the Vampire of the Blue Moon?" Vanitas asks.
Ok, scratch that. Luna had no idea what he was talking about but Luna being Luna wanted to know what he meant. She purposely made herself look like she was hiding something so she could know what he was talking about
"W-what are you talking about?" she says while making it look like she was nervous

Vanitas fell for that trap.
He didn't know that Luna was a good lair and if she wanted to find out something. Then she will most definitely find a way to do so even if she has to play dumb for a while
after all, to be a good lair you need to make sure other people think you are a bad one

Vanitas steps towards Luna as she takes a step back to remain the same distance before. Vanitas once more steps towards her. Luna on instinct takes a step back once again. Luna purposely made herself look like she was nervous. Maybe the more she acted guilty, the more chances of gaining more information.
This keeps happening till Luna hits the wall behind her. Vanitas took this chance and pinned her to the wall. Luna was quite surprised by this but she kept an expressionless face. She thought it would be better to maintain her composure
Now that she was pinned to the wall by Vanitas, she realized how petite she seemed in comparison. Also, did he always smell like this?
If Luna were to look straight she would be looking at his chest, so she started looking at the metal bars instead.
Vanitas lowered his face so he could face Luna's but after seeing that she wasn't looking at him he grabbed her chin to make her look at him
Luna grew slightly nervous. it seemed he was doing this on purpose. He probably realized how close their bodies were. How he towered over mine and how frail Luna looked under him.
"So my suspicion was correct... You are somehow related to the Vampire of the Blue Moon" Vanitas whispers as his breath sends shivers down Luna's spine. This whole time both of them maintained intense eye contact.

Luna broke the eye contact "you have no proof of anything. How could you just assume that?" she continues
Vanitas gently grabs her neck and brings her closer to him, gaining her attention. He takes his other hand which was previously on the wall and grabs her waist pulling her even closer
"If you didn't mean to get caught...you probably shouldn't have said that your name is Luna...the same that the Vampire of the Blue Moon went by. You are asking to be caught aren't you?" Vanitas whispers though his eyes seemed threatening.

oh? So this was the reason he was asking for my last name. Just because we share the same name. Pfft! He's so wary of me it's hilarious. Well, I am quite wary of him too I suppose. but at the very least I don't make it this obvious
This was exactly what Luna was thinking
"Pfft!" she laughed on his face
"huh? what's so funny?" he says quite offended
"Firstly, how was my act?" Luna says smirking at his face. Oh how the table turns
"...what?" Vanitas says quite shocked
" You see, I do know that you were quite wary of me and also that you suspected me. I wanted to know why you do so. That's simply why I acted that way"
Vanitas steps back a bit. Still taken aback
"Also I don't have any connection with the Vampire of the Blue Moon whatsoever. Luna is quite a common name. I'm not lying this time. If I did have an association I would know something about him, but I don't."
"I see..." was the only thing that came out of his mouth.

They both stood there in awkward silence
till Luna decided to break it
D"o you have any other questions to ask me?"
"......When we were in the airship. You fought quite well. You were able to predict almost all my moves. Who taught you that?" he says or more like he didn't have much to ask anyway so he was keeping up with the conversation

"Uhhh I suppose that would be my father. He taught me swordsmanship, knife throwing, archery, and other similar skills. I had been doing that for a long time so I'm experienced and I can usually predict the person's moves and adapt to the situation quickly" Luna states

"Was your father a noble?"
"I guess you could say that"

"So he was," Vanitas says while looking at the window far from our reach and notices it's quite dark.
"We should probably sleep. Noé might keep sleeping for the whole day. It wouldn't hurt if we get a few hours of sleep" He says
"If you want to then sure go ahead. I wouldn't be able to sleep anyway. I'll keep guard till you all wake up." Luna says while sitting on the ground
"You will be up to the whole day? would that be fine? It isn't quite healthy."
"I'll be fine. It's just a few hours. You make sure to warm yourselves. I've heard humans are quite fragile. I'll wake you up when it seems right." Luna says as Vanitas sits on the floor resting his head by the wall as he drifts to a deep sleep

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