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July 11:45 am

A laughed escape your mouth as you ran downstairs almost tripping on your foot "HAHAHAHA ITS HERE ITS FINALLY HERE!!" You shouted running towards the front door "What did she buy now?" Toji thought carrying both children one on his shoulder anothe...

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A laughed escape your mouth as you ran downstairs almost tripping on your foot "HAHAHAHA ITS HERE ITS FINALLY HERE!!" You shouted running towards the front door "What did she buy now?" Toji thought carrying both children one on his shoulder another in his arms

"Ah thank you very much have a nice day, Bye bye" you said while waving both your hand to the postman "Y/N? What did you buy?" Toji said while making a bottle of milk for Megumi

"AHAHAH THIS MY HUSBAND IS A SUPRISE, SO PLEASE WAIT" you said running up the stairs to open it up "How can a shy awkward girl become like this?" He thought shacking his head

"Alright here comes the surprise" you said walking down the stairs holding a frog onesie "Is that a frog onesie? For Megumi?" He asked "yes yes I'll be taking pictures of your two and it'll turn out to cute, 2 cute boys infront of a camera taking pictures equals many likes win win" you said while pinching his cheeks

"Alright fine let me put this on Megumi" he sighed taking it away "AHHH I KNEW YOU'D DO IT!" You shouted happily "Yeah yeah whatever" he said walking away

"NO NO NO TO THE LEFT TOJI LEFT, MY LEFT WHICH IS YOUR RIGHT!" You shouted behind the camera "Scary..." he thought while moving to his right "Ahah stay there don't move that's a perfect angle" you said snapping pictures

"Alright it's fine thank you Megumi and thank you husband" you said kissing Megumi's cheek "Excuse me where's mine?" Toji asked raising his eyebrow "Aww of course you'll get one for working hard" you said about to kiss his cheek before you felt a hand under your thigh "AHAH NOT TODAY YOU WOKUS BONKUS" you said hitting his head "OWWW THAT SHIT HURTS WIFEY" he shouted rubbing the spot where you hit him

"Don't do this stuff infront of the kids" you said walking away "So your saying that i can do it infront of other people but not the kids? Alright" he said "NUH UH THATS NOT WHAT I MEANT YOU HORNY FREAK!" You shouted from the kitchen

"Hmph why did I even marry him?" You mutter while posting the picture "anddd post, people will definitely love this I mean it's so cute how could people not?" You mutter while walking towards the sink to wash the dishes

"That horny man, should've have brought him to horny jail like I mean like can you wait till we're alone jeez" you said before you felt two muscular arms wrap around you waist "Y/NNNNNNN I'm sorry" your husband said his hot breath ticking down your neck making you shiver

"Yall hear sum? Cause I don't" you said wiping the counter with a cloth "Hmph so mean..." he mutter as he walked away "isn't he suppose to be the mature one?" You thought staring at his back

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