Cleaning day

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3:00 am 2004

"Heyy good morning Toji

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"Heyy good morning awake?" You said shacking your husband from his side of the bed "Hm...where are you going?'s like 2:00 am" Toji mumble face in his pillow "Did you forget? I have work today and you promised me you'd take good care of the kids remember?" You said while untangling his hair "Oh yeah...I remember that...I'll try my best to take care of them" he said moving his head side ways to look at you

"That's the spirit! Now I have to go, bye bye Toji I love you see you later ya?" You said kissing his head " you too, bye bye..." he said squinting at your running figure "Well time for sleep" Toji thought while wrapping himself with the blanket
7:00 am
Crying was the only sound that could be heard from the Fushiguro household "Megumi shh shh please be quite I'm begging you it's just 7 in the morning" Toji begged as he rocked the crying Megumi "Shit I haven't prepare food for them both" Toji mumble walking towards the kitchen with Tsumiki on his shoulder "Okay Toji deep breaths, deep breaths you can do it" he said encouraging himself

"Alright let's make some breakfast for you two troublesome kids" Toji said setting the two down on the counter as he walked over to the fridge "Let's see what can we cook here" he said opening the fridge


"There's no food in the fridge tor me to cook...absolutely nothing it's fucking empty" he said "Alright um it's ok calm down everything's gonna be fine yeah let's just go to the supermarket" he said scratching his head "Wait the supermarket doest open until 10:00 am" Toji grumble "I mean I could just feed you guys some cup noodles right?" Toji said talking to himself "But Y/N specifically said not feed them cup noodle BUT if I don't feed them anything they'll starve so I'm just break the rule this time it's not like she'll know anyways" he shrugged opening the cabinet, taking out three indomie cup

"I'm hungry" 3 year old Tsumiki said watching her father prepare a meal for them "Okay just be patient, I'm almost done with the noodles" Toji said making the noodles "I want that one, the one on the left!" Tsumiki said pointing to the cup noodle "It's all the same Tsumiki" Toji said carrying her to her chair "Nuh uh it's not, it's different the one on the left has more noodles!" She said pouting "Fine fine here you go, do you want me to feed you or not?" He ask handing her the cup noodle as she thanked him

"Megumi come let's eat" Toji said setting Megumi on his lap as both of them said a quick prayer "When is oka-san coming back oto-san?" Tsumiki ask taking a bite from her noodle "I'm not sure, maybe around 12:00 am or later" Toji said blowing the noodles

"Do you even have teeth yet Megumi? Hold on let me check say ahhh" Toji said using his thumb to open Megumi's mouth "OW DON'T BITE MY HAND GEEZ" he said taking his hand away from Megumi's mouth "Here your teeths are kinda growing, so it'll be hurting a little. So here chew it you brat" he said putting the chopstick infront of Megumi faces

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