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Jimin, Yoongi, and Hoseok were quite disheartened when Taehyung finally found them. The fact that they had built a fire so visible in the daylight was proof to that.

Figuring they had lost their two companions to the storm, the three had been at a bit of a loss for what to do. The elvish party was too far ahead to catch up to now, and it would be highly difficult to continue with only three, though three was the original party's number.

Allowing their mounts time to rest was the only thing they could readily decide on doing, so they had stopped midday after riding hard through the storm, and the following night.

Both Yoongi and Jimin put at least part of the blame upon themselves, as they should have followed Taehyung. However, the two's Equestrian's, and Jimin's Arabian, had going further into the storm, as the last thing on their minds. They had made it well evident, as they kept their own heads despite their riders' attempts to turn them.

The only fortunate thing it seemed was Siobain's kindness in allowing Yoongi to keep the Chestnut mare whom he'd actually grown attached to. The Equestrian seemed all too happy with the new arrangements, and its new name of Daegu It seemed the Elvish did not name their steeds, because they believed a name gave the earth something to hold to, thereby stealing the fleet nature of the Equestrians.

Taehyung found them there, a couple of candle marks past noon, tending to the steeds. He dismounted, and whispered to Cheonma to wait for him a moment.

Yoongi was the first to see him, and he was stunned to speechlessness. The swords master actually dropped the curry brush he'd been using on Daegu.

Hoseok was next, as his Equestrian nickered softly at the sudden intrusion. He glanced over the tall reddish brown back, and as his eyes met the sight, a smile crept to his lips.

Jimin was the last to notice.

"Taehyung... Taehyung!" He said, dashing over to the taller boy. His eyes glittered with barely contained joy.

"Gods, what happened to you? We searched everywhere..." The mage was smiling brightly, but it dimmed somewhat as he saw that the stoic soldier was alone.

"Jungkook...is he..?" He asked hesitantly, almost afraid of the answer.

If he were anyone else, the sound of Jungkook's name would have made Taehyung twitch. As it was, he nearly winced.

"Jungkook's...fine." He got out. "He's merely sleeping now."

The bright smile returned with the brilliancy of before.

"This...this is wonderful!" Jimin said, then suddenly seemed to deflate somewhat. "We...we feared the worst." Glancing around at the other two, he turned back to Taehyung. "When you left, we tried to follow you. I saw the lightning strike several times where you had ridden to...it left little to the imagination. But when the storm let up, we returned to search."

Taehyung felt an unusual emotion welling up in him towards the little blonde. It was gratitude.

Allowing the brief shadow of a smile to cross his lips, Taehyung nodded.

"I'm glad to see you're still with us." Yoongi finally added, smiling.

"Where were you all this time?" Jimin asked.

Taehyung settled in to tell nearly everything that had transpired since their separation, though noted key elements were withheld.


The three, now four, rode towards the cave opening that would lead back down into the earth. It had taken nearly no time for them to be ready to go, and it might even be said that they were a bit...excited...to be meeting the spirit of the earth. Definitely something one did not do every day.

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