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Kyoya and you never really got much time outside of school together. Often times he was busy with club duties, studying, or family buissness stuff, all of which you whole heartedly supported him in. Although Kyoya wasn't nessecarily one for romance he had decided to surprise you one day after meticulously planning out the entire day a month or more in advance.

He dressed nice, but comfortable, and set off to your home. When he knocked on the door he was greeted by one of the house staff, an older lady who had been with your family since she was young, becoming almost family herself, who smiled warmly at him and ushered him inside.

"Kyoya, sweetheart, you can head upstairs. Miss (y/n) is in the bathroom but you can wait for her in her bedroom," she said with a smile, gently pushing his shoulders towards the staircase "You know where it is, off you go now."

Kyoya gave the woman his most charming host club smile and nodded his head in thanks, before making his way up the stairs and down the hallways that had become as familiar to him as his own home until he reached your room. He knocked on your door just to double check like the gentleman he is and when he heard nothing from the other side he gently pushed the door open, before stepping inside and gently pushing it to click closed behind him.

He looked around your room, and slowly his brow furrowed. He knew your room, knew that you weren't the cleanest person, which drove him insane sometimes. It's not that you were messy exactly, just forgetful and chaotic. Your whole room was in more disarray then normal, several days worth of your chaotic whirlwind spread around. The house staff knew better then to touch your room otherwise you began to lose stuff but this time it seemed like there was even less of an organisation system (which you had always prized. It was chaos but it was organised chaos) then usual. Nevertheless he sat on the bed and pulled out his phone to check the time, his ears picking up the soft classical coming from behind your bathroom door.

Kyoya waited a half an hour, occupying himself by lightly sorting through some of your things to neaten them up just to give himself peace of mind or fiddling on his phone. After 30 minutes with no noise from the bathroom except for the classical piece that seemed to be on loop, not even the hiss and patter of the shower going off he grew concerned. Now curious and impatient Kyoya stood up and made his way to the door that separated the two of you and wrapped his knuckles against it. When not a single sound left the room he knocked once more.

After a couple minutes of nothing Kyoya took a deep breath, closed his eyes and opened the door, peaking his head in the gap that formed. He was now agitated from being so late, his plans now skewed. He had planned for a 20 minute leeway after coming to meet with you, not what was now double that, being 40, making him 20 minutes late. So the first item on his agenda was scratched off. Disappointing but not the end of the world. Your health came first and at the moment you were greatly concerning him.

"(Y/n)?" He called, his eyes clamped shut just in case you were naked "What's wrong?... (y/n)?"

When you didn't respond he called your name a third time, before he decided to screw being a gentleman, screw convention, he needed to check on you. He opened his eyes and looked around the room, steam fogging his vision and making everything hazy and dream like. At first he couldn't spot you through the haze, having to take off his fogged up glasses to wipe them off before looking around once again. When he did spot you you had your back to him, curled up on the floor of your shower with your back and head leaning against the glass and your knees to your chest. Your arms were wound around your knees loosely, and when he inched closer he noticed how unfocused your gaze was, eyes glazed over.

"(Y/n)?" He tried again, much softer this time, pressing pause on your music

This time you hummed your acknowledgement, turning your head towards his direction. However you couldn't focus on him, couldn't even try. It was like you could see through him, your head in another plane entirely. Kyoya was used to you zoning out in class and missing bits, used to your eyes glazing over and your head being in the clouds, however what he wasn't used to was how far away you felt. You were right there in the room with him and yet you also weren't at the same time. It was like a million miles separated you.

Stuck In My Head (Kyoya Ootari x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now