Everything is Officially Shit

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    "Just a little trade, your beta for the recently dead human. Pretty good trade if you ask me, we got on fine without him for the last two years but your beta, now he's pretty connected to you."

   The chill that had seized Stiles' spine spread throughout his body. He felt disconnected.

     Derek crossed the room in three strides to stand protectively in front of Stiles. "You can't have him, Peter. I'll rip your throat out before you touch him."

     Peter laughed. "Should have known, nephew. Can't let your little mate get dragged to hell again, huh? Don't worry, I don't want him. Someone else does. Someone who has no problems carving up your little babies. Say hi to an old friend, Stiles!"

     A familiar cackle issued from the phone, and the sound of Liam screaming followed. 

     "Liam!" Scott screamed. "Let him go you bastard!"

     Peter laughed again. "Sure thing, Scotty! Just give me the human and I'll give him back. You have three hours. Leave Stiles at the old Hale house. Don't bother trying to use your angel to find us, he won't be able to." The call went dead.

     With a flap of wings Castiel reappeared, looking rumpled. Dean hurried to his side. "I cannot find Peter. He is hidden from me."

    "Yeah, little late on the uptake, Cas." Dean scrubbed a hand down his face. "Alright, well this changes things."

    Derek growled. "He's not getting Stiles. We will not trade. We'll figure something else out."

    Dean held his hands up. "Hey big guy, no arguments from me. We don't negotiate with terrorists, yada yada. But we do need a plan to get your other guys."

      Stiles saw all this from outside his body. He was frozen, petrified with, not fear, fear was too light a word. He'd known, he'd known who it was from when he first sensed a demon's presence last night. But the familiar laughter, it brought everything back. He had endured, for two hundred years. But somehow he knew that if he had to go back after this, after a taste of freedom, even just these two weeks, he would break. He wouldn't last an hour on the rack after the comfort of Derek's arms. But Liam - 

     "Stiles, what was he talking about." Scott broke through Stiles' panicked haze. He moved forwards slowly until he was standing right in front of Stiles, Derek pushed aside. All other conversations came to a halt. 

      Stiles blinked at Scott, trying to pull his mind together. His tongue was cut out, he couldn't speak - the blood was running down his throat - 

     "Stiles!" Scott roared. 

     Stiles flinched backwards so hard he slammed his head into the wall. Derek growled, eyes flashing as he pushed Scott backwards and stood between them. Scott's eyes flashed red and all Stiles could see was the first demon, the one he had kissed, the one he had started this all with.  He cowered (because even after everything, he was still just a scared little human).

     "Scott!" Malia jumped in now, grabbing Scott by the arm and pulling him back. "Calm down. You're scaring him."

     Scott looked at Stiles, seemingly just now seeing him, cowering against the wall. Stiles knew he was shaking. He wasn't sure how he was still standing. 

      "Stiles, why did Peter talk about hell?" Scott almost whispered, his tone low and hurt. 

      Stiles couldn't speak. 

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