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Two weeks went by and Miranda was sitting on the couch watching a movie with Michael. She looked up as her phone lit up. Miranda grabbed it off the coffee table and smirked reading the message.

Dr. Badass

Miranda: So this must be my Agent Sweet.

Ben: The one and only. Dr. Badass is my contact for you.

Miranda: I'm about to add yours right now. Wha'cha doing?

Ben: just got off.  What about you...You know tomorrow is my first day at Seattle Grace mercy west."

Miranda: Oh I forgot that was tomorrow. I'll show you around and we can eat lunch together.

Ben: I'm looking forward to that. Maybe I can finally get a dinner date.

Miranda: So is my lunch offer not good

Ben: No, that's perfect. I just can't help but want more. I want dinner with you and to sex you and an on-call room doesn’t seem fitting.

Miranda gasped staring at her phone. She sat up some more to make sure Michael could not see.

Miranda: you don't know how bad I want that and by badly, I mean badly. I enjoyed spending time with you and just talking and even sleeping (not sex actual sleep) with you. You make me feel alive and something I can't even describe but I'm trying to be a loyal person and put this behind us. For God sakes I'm texting you while right beside him.

Ben: I'm sorry.

Miranda inwardly sighed. Who the hell was she kidding?

Miranda: I don't know why I'm kidding myself. Dinner and that will be on the table when ever I'm free and our schedules coincide together. See you tomorrow Agent.

After Miranda sent the text, she put her phone back on the coffee table and laid back down to get back into the movie.

4 months passed and Miranda enjoyed Ben working with her. She loved seeing and talking to him everyday. He quickly became her best friend but she knew all of their close lunches, coffee and little things they did was about to end. Michael was being hired as an E.r. Physician at SGMW and would start next week. So, she was about to have her Boyfriend and lover in one building and this was not good at all. Of course, nobody at the hospital knew she was seeing Ben. They did everything together out of the hospital and across town.

"Hey, how was your third day " Miranda asked Michael as he paged her to the on-call room.

"It was good."

"Just good yesterday was great. What happened from then and now?"

"When I told a doctor today that you were my girlfriend. They looked shocked and told me they thought Ben was your boyfriend because you all are constantly walking together."

Miranda looked at him waiting to see if he was going to accuse her on messing with Ben but he didn't.

"Michael. You know that he didn't have any friends here when he came. He wasn't at mercy west long before they merged with us so. I invited him to eat lunch with my co-worker friends. Some days it's just me and him eating lunch together because they are busy.  We get each other coffee sometimes in the morning but that was just because we are nice. We were looking out for each other. I thought you said it was important for us to get along because he is like your brother. You know how the rumor mill goes at this hospital. I didn't-

"I know Miranda. It was just upsetting to hear and it probably will change because I'm here now and people will see me and you." He stated and Miranda nodded pulling him into a hug.

Miranda met Ben at their usually bar across down and she sat down in front of Ben ordering boneless wings and French fries and a fruity alcoholic drink.

"Hey honey." Miranda greeted with a smile.

"Hey" Ben responded wearily.

"What's the matter?" Miranda asked.

"I got your text saying we needed to talk." Ben stressed.

Miranda searched his eyes. " But why are you so worked up about it?" Miranda questioned.

"When people say they need to talk. They normally are about to break up." Ben huffed.

"Aww babe." Miranda cooed reaching out touching his face. "You thought this was it." Miranda teased but was so flattered.

"It's not funny to me Miranda, I took it serious." Ben mumbled. Miranda leaned up from the table and pecked his lips.

"I know that and I really do need to talk you about something important." Miranda said

"What is it?" Ben questioned.

"Michael was talking and told a doctor that I was his girlfriend and they laughed and said they thought me and you were together. So, he was hurt and offended." Miranda explained.

"He told you that."

"He asked me why would they assumed that." Miranda informed eating her wings.

"I don't know how you like blue cheese." Ben said with a disgusted look.

"Because I have adult taste buds and yours is childish. Have you even tasted blue cheese ever.”? Miranda questioned biting her boneless wing.


"Here." Miranda said dipping the piece she bit in it and moved it to his mouth."

"Miranda, I don't want that."

"Please baby just taste it." Miranda pouted batting her eyelashes.

Ben sighed and bit into it chewing slowly.  "See not that bad right?" Miranda teased.

"You're right I actually like that."

"I wouldn't miss lead you." Miranda stated

"Maybe if I get a girlfriend. It won't look as suspicious." Ben thought out loud.

"Oh, absolutely not." Miranda snapped.

"Come on Miranda, we don't want him to notice something with us."

"Benjamin, do you think I want to sit there and watch you with another woman?" Miranda yelled.

"I watch you with him all the dam time. What's the difference.”?

"The difference is, I was with him first. Benjamin this is too much." Miranda spat.

"So what? I guess he just finds out."

"No, I-

"I wouldn't sleep with that girl."

"I know. I just, I can't and I know you watch me with him and I'm sorry for that. It's selfish and maybe-

Ben looked at her intently and she did realize that she was being selfish and having two people at once was wrong.

"Fine Ben. Go on. I trust you." Miranda relented sadly.

Ben reached to grab Miranda's hand but she pulled away upset.

"Please don't be angry. I want to enjoy this time we have together." Ben encouraged and Miranda then slid her hand in his.

"Okay, let's just forget all of that and stay right here in our bubble." Miranda whispered.

"What's wrong man?" Ben asked.

"Me and Miranda... I don't know. We don't really spend time together anymore. She's working so much and she use to come to my house when she gets off instead, she goes home. We don't have sex at all and haven't for a long time. I just feel like she's distancing her self. It's just not the same and I don't know what to even do.”

" Well, me and Kendra seem to hit it off really good. We have been out on a couple of dates maybe we all could double date. That should be fun." Ben suggested.

"Yeah, that should be fun. I'll run it by her to see if she has a free night." Michael said and Ben nodded.

"It will get better. You gotta believe that things happen for a reason and what's meant is meant.”

"What the hell Ben." Miranda snapped on the phone talking to him as she got in bed.


"So, you've already met a girl name Kendra enough for us to already have a double date and why would you even suggest that."

"I thought I was being helpful. He's worried about you two's relationship."

"Don't change the subject. How do you know this woman? We just talked about you getting a "girlfriend" last week. You've met someone and went on a couple of dates that fast Ben...this doesn't even make sense.

"Okay, she was an old girlfriend from when I use to live here."

"Benjamin." Miranda warned.

"What Miranda. I figured that was easier that scouting out new women."

"Have you had sex with her before?" Miranda questioned.


"Of course you did. So you found an ex girlfriend who is already comfortable with you to bring out with me." Miranda argued.

"It's not a big deal." Ben replied.

"You know what it's not. Have a goodnight. Stupid ass." Miranda said hanging up before he could respond. She slammed her phone down and rolled over to go to sleep.

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