
113 5 1

No. of drafts: 18
No. of words: 17146

Draft 1:

I lifted my left hand and looked at the white gold ring on my ring finger.

A smile automatically formed on my face.

I got a beautiful gift after all that pain.... So i guess i should be grateful.

I gently kissed the ring.

I flinched when i felt arms wrap around me from behind.

But i melted into the warmth when i realised who it was.

"Good morning love." He kissed my nape.

"Morning...." I said softly.

"Had a bad dream?" He sat down on the bed and pulled me onto his lap with me still facing away from him.

"I don't know if it was bad... I dreamt about the day i came to Thailand...." I laid the back of my head on his shoulder.

He showered kisses on my shoulder and neck.

I closed my eyes and enjoyed the sensation.

"It's not completely bad is it? Since i got to meet you." He intertwined our fingers.

I smiled and hummed. "Yeah."

I looked down at our hands.

Our rings were touching.

I felt warmth brew in my chest.

"Why did you set your alarm by the way? Don't you have today off?" He asked.

I blinked.

"Now that you mention it.... Yeah i do..."

"Did you have plans for today?" He tilted his head.

"Not really.... It was just out of habit i think.... I guess meeting them after a long time triggered some old habits...." I sighed.

He pursed his lips and tightened his arms around me.

"Let's forget about that now. I'm starving." I spoke up after a few seconds.

He chuckled.

"I already took a shower. I'll make some breakfast while you get cleaned up." He pushed me to stand and stood behind me.

I smiled and nodded.

I went into the bathroom while he went out of the bedroom.

I headed downstairs after doing my morning routine.

He was sitting at the table with food served on it playing with his phone.

They were mostly my favourites.

The aroma of the food hit me as i went closer.

My mouth started watering.

I quickly went upto the table and sat down.

He smiled and kept the phone aside when i sat down.

We ate in comfortable silence.

"Do you want to go anywhere today?" He asked as we washed the dishes after we finished eating.

I tilted my head.

"Can we stay in? I kind of don't want to go anywhere..." I said slowly.

He nodded.


We cuddled on the couch after we finished doing the dishes.

I was curled up on his lap with my head on his shoulder.

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