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Clear and sunny skies, a warm breeze, and an array of bugs roaming around; some of the few things that Gonta found true joy in. So when there's a day that just happens to have all three, well, it would be nearly impossible to ignore it.

With that, there he was, slowly strolling down a paved stone path and admiring the wall of lush hedges that lined one side of the path. Other than the splashes of water from a fountain in the distance, the only other sounds there were was from Gonta's sandals lightly slapping the bottom of his feet, and the occasional tapping of his walking cane touching the ground.

It's been a little while since he got out of the killing game, and while the first few days were rough from recovering from his... cause of "death," things were looking up as time went by. Of course, there were some days the pain was so unbearable, he couldn't even get out of bed, but the nurses said that the phantom pains would decrease bit by bit within the next year or so.

Not to zero, but to a smaller amount, at least.

But Gonta wasn't really focused on that right now, considering that he actually had relatively high energy today, he was more interested in thinking about what kind of insects he might see. Continuing down the path, he narrows in on the different flowers each hedge had. Lilacs, Azaleas, Hibiscus... and it looks like whoever designed this garden went with a red-pink theme. That is, until he reached one of the decorative gates, which had a waterfall of vines sprinkled with rose-like flowers.

Taking a closer look, they appear to be a pale yellow with a plethora of petals layered within the buds.

Ahh, these must be Lady Banks' roses.

Gently cupping one in his hands, Gonta takes a sniff. While the fragrance wasn't potent, it was light and refreshing, which was enough to give him a small boost. He pulls away to now simply look the rose, still holding onto it, and smiles. While it may not look like it, yellow was one of Gonta's favorite colors, as it reminded him of something special to him.

Or... more accurately it reminded him of someone.

That someone would be Shuichi Saihara, which Gonta had to admit was a bit funny to think about. How such a vibrant and cheerful hue could associate with someone who always wore black, and kept his hair shaped in a way that was almost shadow like. But it didn't come from how he dressed, nor from his personality that shone quietly, but from his eyes.

Most days, they were a washed out sand color, like if you were to walk through it in a cold and stormy beach. But some days, when the lighting was just right, Shuichi's eyes would almost... shimmer, like pale gold coins under fluorescent lighting.

Ooo, or maybe a white sunflower under partly cloudy skies? They were quite pretty like them.

...Okay, maybe Gonta was getting ahead of himself, but you get the gist of it now; some days were gray, others were a soft sunny shade. He couldn't really help being so descriptive though, as on the chance he got to hang out with the other boy, sometimes those were the only things he could focus on when he looked at Shuichi. Especially when he would go on and explain something about his detective work, or maybe a concept that Gonta didn't quite know much about. Hearing that calm voice of his, and how well he managed to explain things... Gonta wasn't sure why, but it was just something that stuck with him, like eating a sweet that satisfies you for a lot longer than you thought it would.

It was odd though, Gonta thought, because he never really felt that way when it came to any of his other friends. Not even Kokichi, who he hung out with a lot more than Shuichi, due to getting dragged into however many plans he came up with, and the latter being around Kaito more and more. Though that feeling only got stronger as time passed and when he was with him, especially during their last free time together.

A Loving Shade of YellowWhere stories live. Discover now