11) Bri and Aphrodite's Mansion

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*Nad's pov*

I was standing next to Xylo who was tapping his food on the pavement. He was on the other side of camp facing a big plain.

"Remind we why are we here and why you asked me of all people to join you?" I asked

"Well you see an old friend is coming here and um well we're like ex's soo..." Xylo said in a awkward tone of voice.

"Oh an awkward conversation." I said

"Ya. Her name is Bri and Kay had sent a letter to her regarding Bryan and asked her to come visit camp to see him." Xylo said

"So you brought me here to break the awkwardness that may occur?" I asked

"Yup, I would have asked someone else, but the only problem is that others are busy with their own things such as finding out who their godly parent is and looking into personal past stuff, and so on." Xylo said

"Makes sense why you chose me." I said before seeing someone off in the distance flying.

"And there's Bri." Xylo said

I watched as Bri came flying in softly landing not far from us a smile gracing her face

"Xylo! Long time no see." Bri said walking forward.

"Hey Bri nothing much just ya know making new friends within the camp." Xylo said

"That's good is this one of them?" Bri asked

"Hello my name's Nadard but just call me Nad it's a pleasure to meet you." I said with a smile and a simple wave

"It's nice to meet you too. My name's Bri I'm the daughter of Aphrodite." Bri said

"Yup." Xylo said

"Besides that before it gets awkward show me Bryan." Bri said

"Right. He should be in his cabin. A few days ago when Mario checked up on him he had said that Bryan looked like he had cried himself to sleep." Xylo said

"Oh." I said as we walked.

We soon got to Bryan's cabin and when I looked through the window Bryan was sitting on his bed hugging a pot of various flowers.

Xylo knocked on the door and I moved away from the window as Bryan moved. Bryan cracked the door before fully opening it.

"Oh Xylo hey what are you doing here?" Bryan asked

"Well you see-" Xylo started before being shoved to the side by Bri

"Hello there Bryan my name's Bri I'm the daughter of Aphrodite and I wanted to meet you!" Bri said and Bryan blinked a bit shocked

"I-...ok?" Bryan said

"Ya sorry for not telling ahead of time." Xylo said

"It's ok...umm my cabin isn't exactly big." Bryan said

"It's ok I'm heading out anyways I was just here to help out Xylo a bit." I said

"Bye Nad and thank you." Xylo said

"No problem see you later and have awesome chat." I said taking my leave.

*Bryan's pov*

I sighed as I walked inside, Bri and Xylo also coming in and I moved the vase to the table before sitting down.

"Sorry I don't have proper chairs." I said

"It's all good, but I'm happy to be meeting you. I heard about you through a letter and I thought to come see you myself since you have mother's blessing which I can see." Bri said pointing at the necklace

"Ya your mom has a weird way of doing things." I said

"How so?" Bri asked

"Well assuming it was her I first saw before ending up here, she was just a glowing person while a storm raged around the ship that I was on with a bunch of other people." I said

"Poseidon must have made the storm." Xylo said

"Right, but she grabbed me and threw me into the water." I said

"Oh...well, I can see why she would do that but at the same time. Really mother?" Bri said

"At least your alive?" Xylo said and I looked down hugging my legs.

"Ya...alive in a place that isn't even where I should be." I said

"Hey no self doubt!" Bri said cupping my face in her hands

"Huh?" I said surprised

"I know that look it's the look of self doubt I'm not going to let you speak down of yourself." Bri said

"But-" I said before Bri put a finger over my mouth.

"Ah. No. You have mother's blessing that makes you my sibling which means I'm going to take care of you. Which also means I'm taking you to your proper home." Bri said

"Huh?" I said before Bri pulled out an amulet and put it in my head.

"His name is Helios. He's a pegasus and will be your friend." Bri said standing up.

"Welp I'll leave you two be umm Bryan enjoy the mansion." Xylo said closing the door

"What?! Mansion!?" I questioned before seeing Bri grab the clothes I had.

I set the amulet down and run over to avoid her grabbing my human clothes and...my underwear.

When Bri had me pack up she taught me how to summon Helios and I'll admit he's the most beautiful horse I've seen and the very first Pegasus I've seen. Then again humans aren't exactly supposed to see these kinds of things.

"Alright get on." Bri said

"Huh?" I asked before Bri pushed me twords Helios and I got on the back.

"Alright. Helios fly." Bri said and I half screamed when Helios flew up into the air. I hugged the horse as Bri laughed flying next to me.

"Open your eyes Bryan your missing out on so much." Bri said and slowly I opened my eyes before taking a deep breath.

I looked around as Helios gently flew over the big grassy plains. I looked behind me and saw the camp fading in the distance and I looked forward as slowly we got closer to a big building which soon turned into a marble mansion.

I looked at in awe and blinked as Helios landed with Bri. I slide off the back of Helios and looked at the mansion before Helios nudged me.

"Oh. Thank you Helios." I said petting the horse.

"Bryan I want to welcome you to Aphrodite's Mansion."

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