Chapter 2

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His fingers moved across her cheek; sparks followed his touch. Carina's breath hitched at the sensation.

The Prince tucked his fingers under her chin, forcing her to look at him. He smiled warmly at her and Carina's insides seemed to melt. He took her hand, calloused fingers rough as he helped the young woman stand. She sucked in a deep breath, finally remembering that breathing was essential.

The Prince led her away from the other girls who remained kneeling. "It's a pleasure to finally meet you." He gave her a pleasant smile, bending down to kiss her hand

Carina opened and closed her mouth, hoping she didn't look like a fish. "I... Who..." She cleared her throat, cheeks flushing. "Forgive me." She paused, attempting to reorganize her thoughts. "You chose me?"

The Prince nodded once. "Of course. You are the woman that I seek to marry." He brushed his knuckles against her cheek. "And I hope you are okay with that."

Carina froze at his touch. The sparks that traveled across her skin were wonderful—addicting even. His touch felt like a tingling surge of lightning. She loved it. "Of... Of course. I couldn't deny the Prince, now could I?"

The Prince dropped his hand, and Carina realized just how much she wanted his touch again. "You could, actually. While, yes, there would be a consequence to denying my plans, you will soon learn that I value your choice in every matter."

Carina shifted her gaze to the line of girls who were now being permitted to stand. From where she and the Prince stood in an empty, darkened alley between the flower shop and bakery, she realized that none of the other candidates could see them.

"Carina." She turned her attention back to the Prince. "I need you to know that I love you." His beautiful, dark blue eyes seemed to grow sad.

Carina tilted her head. "You love me? Sire, with all due respect, you don't even know me."

A smile tugged at the corner of his lips. "I know you better than you know yourself. I know your fears, your worries, your mistakes-"

Carina's skin crawled with tingles, remembering Vidia's words about how the men of the royal family possibly knew their brides before they even met. And not the good kind that his touch had produced. He knew her mistakes. How? Every wrong thing she had done was known to this man. Her Prince. Her betrothed.

"Nothing is hidden from me." He told her. "Well..." he sighed. "I can't say that. There are certain things that I am not permitted to know."

"Such as?" Carina ventured to ask.

He chuckled lightly. "You will see in due time, my love." He tucked a stray lock of hair behind her ear. "I have a gift for you."

Carina frowned. "My Prince, you shouldn't have." She insisted. "This ceremony is to honor you. Not me."

The Prince smirked. "Is this not the Choosing? A ceremony that honors the bride chosen by the Prince of Tredia?"


"I insist that you accept my gift." He produced from his pocket a small, dark blue box. He gently laid it in her hands. "Go ahead and open it."

Carina obeyed, hands shaking as she did so. She gasped once her actions revealed the beautiful band of gold inside. "It's beautiful." She carefully pulled it out. "Thank you, my Prince."

"Devan." He told her, gently taking the ring from her hands. "My name is Devan. I am not just your Prince anymore, Carina. I do believe I am your soon-to-be husband."

Carina's cheeks burned with her blush. "It doesn't seem right that I should call you by your first name."

"If I am to be your husband, I want our relationship to be pure and intimate. And we can start with removing titles." He informed her. "I may be a Prince, but I am your Prince. Other women call me by that title. But none call me by my true name."

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