Home/I Ain't a Judas

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Nate woke up later in the day to the group huddled together, Glenn and Carl were drawing on the ground with a piece of chalk, trying to figure out where Tyreese's group got in. Nate slowly moved over to stand next to Beth.

"What happened to the new guys anyways?" Nate whispered to her. She shrugged.

"Rick told them to leave." She replied.

"That means there's another breach." Glenn sighed.

"How do you know he'll attack? Maybe you guys scared him off." Beth said, Nate shook his head but Michonne was the one to respond.

"When he made Merle and Daryl fight each other, they brought walkers out into the arena on poles. The crowd wanted us to be executed.." Nate trailed off as he thought back to almost two days ago. "They probably were going to feed me to them after they finished off Daryl and Merle." He gazed back up at the group, he was mostly met with blank stares and silence as they all took in what he had said.

"He had fish tanks full of heads. Walkers and humans. Trophies. He's coming." She told them.

"We should hit him now." Glenn said.

"What?" Beth asked.

"We'll sneak in, put a bullet in his head." Glenn insisted.

"We're not assassins." Carol replied.

"I'll do it myself." Glenn told Michonne and after a long minute, she nodded. Hershel moved closer to them.

"He didn't know you were coming last time, and look what happened." Hershel said. "You were almost killed. Daryl was captured. Nate was shot. And you and Maggie were almost executed."

"You can't stop me." Glenn stepped in front of Hershel, glaring right at him and Nate rolled his eyes.

"Rick would never allow this." Herschel said.

"You really think he's in any position to make that choice?"

"And you are?" Nate suddenly snapped. They both turned to look at him. "Look if you do this now, without Daryl, especially after Rick turned those people away, we're weak, Glenn. The Governor has us outnumbered."

"We can't afford to lose anyone else." Hershel said. "It isn't worth anymore killing." Glenn stayed silent as Hershel paused for a moment. "If he's really on his way, we should be out of here by now." Nate's eyes flickered to the elder.

"And go where?" Glenn asked.

"We lived on the road all winter." Hershel responded.

"Back when you had two legs and we didn't have a baby crying for walkers."

"We can't stay here."

"We can't run." Nate wasn't sure who he agreed with. He didn't want to exactly leave the prison but he didn't really want to fight the Governor either, this was their home. Maggie walked away then, back towards the cells. Nate sighed and looked back at Beth who had a blank look on her face.

"Alright, we'll stay put. We're going to defend this place." Glenn told them. "We're making a stand." Well, at least that was something that Nate agreed with. He nodded once Glenn looked over at him. Glenn helped come up with a plan for the breach in the tombs. He wanted to take Carl and wanted Michonne to stay. He glanced up at them all and let out a deep breath. "Who's on watch?" He walked away then and they all watched him go.

Nate was in no position to go with them to the tombs and so he volunteered to take watch in a guard tower outside. He stood up there for about two hours, with nothing to do and saw no one approaching the prison. Axel came to take his spot afterwards and he ran back to the cellblock. Carl and Glenn had just come back and were both wearing armor and were covered in walker blood. They were talking about running again, which Glenn wasn't a fan of. He mostly just needed to figure out how the walkers kept getting inside and planned to take a car with Maggie. He went to talk to her but he came back five minutes later without her. He still seemed pissed though.

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