What the Fuck?

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Once the pancakes were gone, with Percy and Peter eating quickly and silently, ignoring any attempts of conversation from the others, they both stood up and quickly went to the stairs.

"Hey! Where you going?" Tony yelled after them.

"Central Park. We have a score to settle." Percy glared at Peter as he said this. "But Peter understands my fear of elevators so we're racing down the stairs first."

"Wait, but that's dangerous, what if you fall?" Steve called in a fake concerned tone, a smile on his face. Peter turned around with a deadpan expression.

"Wow. Never thought of that. How could we do something so dangerous?" Sarcasm dripped from every word, and as soon as he finished, he turned around and the two boys bolted, throwing open the door and running down the stairs. Steve began to laugh, and the rest of the team stared after them in confusion for a bit before Tony dragged them all into the elevator.

"Come on!" He exclaimed. "I wanna see what they're doing in Central Park!"


When Percy and Peter reached Central Park, they immediately set to work. First, they notified the draids and nymphs in the park that they would be sparring, all-out, powers included. The draids and nymphs agreed to keep as many mortals away as possible. After thanking them and making sure they knew they could let the avengers see and Steve join, Percy and Peter went to opposite sides of the park to get ready. They both stretched and put their armor on. Once that was done, and the park had been (mostly) cleared, they met in the center, weapons ready, with the draid who had agreed to referee the match.

"Start!" the draid called before disappearing back into her tree. (Just a warning, I'm horrible at fight scenes this is my first one so) Peter launched himself at Percy, who quickly dodged and sliced at Peter. Peter blocked with his dagger and attacked just as quickly. They went on like this, shooting fire and water respectively, for quite a while, gaining speed at they went. They were so focused, no one noticed the Avengers arrival. Well, the draids and nymphs did, but they were to distracted to to anything more than stop them from interfering. The boys were a hurricane of fire and water, slicing and dodging, so fast they were blurs to the mortal eye. The Avengers didn't know what they expected, but it certainly hadn't been this. They, of course, couldn't see the fire or the water, but they didn't miss how they would dodge attacks that didn't seem to come, or gain wounds when they hadn't been close enough for that to happen. Suddenly, it all stopped as quickly as it had started. The water and fire cleared, (dust to the Avengers minus Steve,) and there was Peter, laying on his back with Riptide at his throat. There was a small pause, where the only thing that could be heard what they pair's heavy breathing, then the draid came out of her tree and declared Percy the winner. The boy grinned, and they put their weapons away.

"See?" Said Percy. "I told you food is better when it's blue."

"Ok, ok, I admit it. You won. That doesn't mean you were right."

"Yes it dose." Percy grinned smugly.

"No it doesn't."

"Yes it-"

"What the fuck?" Tony had been the first to snap out of his shock. "One, what the fuck was that? Two, you were fighting over the color of food?" Percy and Peter looked at each other, grinned, and looked back to Tony.

"Yes." They said together. Steve, who had been silently dying of laughter since the match had ended, could no longer control it and burst into loud laughter that had Percy and Peter joining in at the looks of the faces of the avengers, who only looked on in shocked confusion.


We had a sub in chorus today, and someone asked him if we could use our phones, and he said he didn't care, and I wanted to write but not on my computer (I got a new one and I don't remember how to sign into gmail so I can't send myself the chapters anymore) so I broke the school rules and wrote over half this chapter. It's after school know and I just read this through to make sure it was good. And my bff who shall not be named just went through and fixed all the grammar. (Even in my a/n about fight scenes!) Hope you liked it!
Edit from 2-9-22:
Btw Thor is off world and Bucky is still training. Neither have any idea what happened. Also I just fixed some grammar my bff missed.
Edit: 10/3/2022
I have decided to make Steve a half-blood, so I went through the book and changed it a bit. The only chapters that have not been changed are one and two. Reread them if you want, I don't care, but things that happened in those chapters will be brought up later.

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