How I find April Fool as The Most Funniest Day

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I never got pranked. I don't know why, but the stupidest pranks are not getting to me. I'm sad. I can't prank on internet, but I can in real life. I'm soo sad...

Yes, I'm not swearing much on this, but still, it's a complaints and rants, where I can post anything I want. As you can see, I'm putting a vote-for-comment type of thing, which I just wanted a new type of ending. It seem better. Like, it has a nice ring. If you're not voting, then fine.

I find April fools as funny becuase we can basically say stupid things to teacher and say April Fools! And, then we have the most stupidest people who asked a teacher which was the blank paper. THERE WAS A LINE PAPER AND A FRICKING PURE WHITE PAPER. R U STUPID ENOUGH TO UNDERSTAND THIS SENTENCE?

My friends got pranked. I had to prank the whole school along with my classmates. Stupid prank since our teacher made it. Well, that's the end.

Vote if you got pranked.

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