Chapter 31

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Harry ended up arriving at the restaurant five minutes late. At first he shrugged it off, knowing that Olivia wouldn't mind nor care.

When he actually entered the building, he shifted uncomfortably, and started  panicking slightly. His father and Mr. Lynch were sat along side Olivia at the table.

First thing he did was hurry himself along, almost bumping into a waiter. He gave each off them a polite smile and sad across from Olivia, not bothering to give her a hug like he usually would, nor even sitting beside her.

Mr. Lynch and Robin shared a look but didn't say anything until they ordered and the food arrived. Before Harry could even start, his father questioned him about his late arrival, and why he's hardly acknowledging his finace.

Harry came up with some petty excuse and started eating, but knowing his father, Robin will try to pick a bone with him. Quickly he got the idea to start up a pointless conversation with Olivia, asking about her day and how her songwriting is going.

Once everyone's done eating, Mr. Lynch paid for everything but nobody moved from their seats. Robin and Mr. Lynch planned this before hand, it wasn't an interrogation, but it wasn't just a dinner either.

"So, has Louis moved out yet?"


"He should. My daughter is coming to live with you soon, and it would be wrong for Louis to be in that house without a purpose."

"What? I thought Olivia is moving in once we're married."

"She is. We've decided to push the date to next week."

"Excuse me!? What happened to the plan of us getting married after I finished highschool?"

"Harry, manners." He apologized, but his anger didn't go down. Mr. Lynch nodded, but answered his question anyway.

"It seemed too far away, plus it's important for the two of you to get married right now."

Harry's speechless. No words to even describe the urge to lean across the table and slap Mr. Lynch in his pretty little face, as-well as his father, but to also just breakdown into tears and cry himself to sleep while hugging Louis.

"Did you know this?" Harry asked Olivia after a brief moment of silence, visibly distraught.

"No, I didn't-dad is there any reason why we're getting married sooner than planned?"

"That's none of you're business love, sorry."

Nobody said anything after that. They all went into their respective vehicles and drove home. Before Harry actually left, Mr. Lynch advised telling Louis to leave by tommorow so that they can get the house ready for Olivia's arrival.

So the entire ride home Harry kept trying to figure out a way to tell Louis all this. Even though doing this is not even a choice to Harry, the boy is just too scared to do anything about it.

As a kid Harry would get beaten alot by Robin for stupid things, mostly when he had a different opinion than his. That's the main reason why he's so scared of his father, but angry at Anne most of the times. Anne would let all this slide by and wouldn't do or say anything.

You'd think that since Harry's a adult, and that he lives on his own that he could finally do what he wants, but you'd be wrong. Robin, and with the help of Mr. Lynch, have made it clear that they can wreck Harry's life if they choose too.

So, how do you think Robin would react if Harry told him about his feelings? Probably death.

Mr. Lynch already ordered to shootout at Lux for some drug deal, or something along the line of one. Harry's beyond petrified of him.

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