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Here's your daily cursed Soul Eater photo

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Here's your daily cursed Soul Eater photo.

Authors' note: The time zone is while Maka, Soul, Black Star, and Tsubaki are fighting Stein for the first time. This also goes on the theory that Soul is a trans man and was adopted into Maka's family. Spirit is currently scared to see Stein because of Stein's past experiments on Spirit. Spirit also stopped being Stein's weapon for Maka's Mom 19 years ago. Maka and Spirit's relationship is rocky due to the fact Maka blames Spirit for her mom leaving when it was the mom's choice. This story is written from the perspective of Spirit, in late November. We hope you enjoy - Kay and Arlo


Chapter one ; The grey haired man
~ part 1/1 ~
[ Spirit's POV ]
~ Tuesday ~

I wonder why Lord Death called me here? Spirit thought to himself as he wandered into The Death Room. "Hey, you wanted to talk to me?"

"Oh yes, I'm not too sure if Maka told you yet but Stein is returning to the academy to teach for a while," Lord Death announced in his funny voice.

Maka doesn't tell me anything anymore! WAIT STEIN? "STEIN IS COMING BACK!?" I gasped out in shock, why is he now returning out of all times? Shit. Does he still hate me?

"Yes Spirit, the Stein is coming back." Lord Death clapped his hands together in glee as he said that. I just merely shuddered in fear at his name.

"O-ok, can I go now?" I managed to mutter out.

"Yes Spirit, you can go now," replied Lord Death. I stepped out of The Death Room. Why is he back?! The scars from his 'experiments' have finally faded. He can't be back. This has to be a bad dream right? No, if this were a dream Maka would have told me he was back. I should go see Maka, I should see how her extra lessons have gone! I'm a good Dad! Right...?


*knock! knock!*
"Maka...?" I say.

"Who is it?" Maka replies.

"It's your Dad, sweetie... Can I come in?"

"No Spirit, I'm not in the mood." Did Maka just call me by my first name? No, can't be... I'm usually called Dad...

"Maka, I know you're not alright... Please, talk to me" I say in a near begging voice.

"I-I," Maka studders, she's clearly been crying. I should go in, but I don't want to invade her privacy. But...she's been crying. I'll go in anyway.

"Maka, I'm coming in." As I step in I immediately see snacks all over the kitchen and living room. On the couch, I notice a blanket moving, which I assume is Maka.

"Oh hey, Spirit!" A familiar voice says in the kitchen, my head turns to see Soul in the kitchen grabbing a bag of chips and pouring himself a cup of juice.

"Do you know what's up with Maka? She's been like this all day... And jumping at the doorbell." Soul asks.

"Ah, thank you, Soul. Maka, it's almost the holidays! Your favourite time of the year, why are you feeling so down?"

"JUST FUCKING LEAVE SPIRIT! I ASKED YOU NOT TO COME IN AND YOU STILL DID! WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU!?" She yelled, "It's just November." Maka mudders under her breath.

"Uh, please just go Spirit... Thank you for dropping by though." Soul gave me a half-hearted smile. I sighed and nodded, heading for the door.

I wonder what made her so upset? I thought she loved the Holidays? She used to get so excited and would harass her mom and I to- oh. Was this because her mom wouldn't be here this year? Maka has been ruder towards me ever since the divorce, maybe she's just having a hard time without her Mom for the holidays. I'll ask Soul later, maybe he has a list of Christmas books Maka wants, I can always look at our previous messages as well, to see what she already has! I hope she likes my gifts this year...

Once home I graded some of my students' work. Being a math teacher is hard work sometimes but I gotta admit, I love my job. It's the only way Maka is willingly going to talk to me. I finished the last paper and got ready for bed. I was finally ready, climbing into my bed and its warm covers. I pulled out my phone and went on Amazon. I added a dozen books to my cart as potential Christmas presents for Maka.


(Teaser for the next chapter)

"Spirit, we need to talk..." a hand lands on my shoulder.

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