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3rd person's POV
Marcy sighed as she had gotten done packing her bags and she looked up when she heard a knock on the door.

It opened to reveal her father, who only raised an eyebrow at her distressed face.

"You okay?" He asked confused.

She looked down, her mind flashing to her best friends, but Anne had lingered on her mind more, she didn't understand why but she brushed it off.

She forced a smile and looked up. "I'm good!"

He sent her an unconvinced look but sighed and glanced behind him before walking into the room.

"Listen, I know you don't want to move since you'll miss Anne, and you know, I understand that—"

"And Sasha!" She quickly cut in.

He smiled slightly and nodded. "Yeah, and Sasha, but it's just— we really have a good job opportunity for me so we have to move, but I'm sure you can still stay in contact with your friends."

Marcy frowned but nodded anyways.

He paused in thought and hummed before snapping his fingers and saying. "You know, if you want to, you could say your final goodbyes to your friends."

She looked up happily as hope sparked in her eyes. "Wait really? Are you being serious? Or joking?"

"I'm being for serious." He joked, and she only smiled at her dad.

She hesitated, she wanted to hug him but they usually never hugged, so she decided against it and muttered a thanks before rushing out of the house as her dad put the suitcases and bags into the moving truck.


She was out of breath once she reached Anne's house, since Sasha was busy at the moment, she couldn't say a proper goodbye to her.

She gasped to catch her breath and staggered over tiredly to knock on her door.

After a couple of seconds, she was met with Anne's warm but confused eyes.

"Marbles? What are you doing here—"

She got cut off when the girl threw her arms around her which made her a bit caught off guard but she hugged her back.

Once Marcy realized what she had done, she tensed a little, she knew she wasn't used to hugs yet she still wanted to hug Anne, it was a bit odd but she brushed it off at the fact that she was moving and would miss her.

They soon pulled away but Anne kept her hands on the girls shoulders. "Not that I don't love your hugs but, is something wrong? You usually don't initiate our hugs."

Marcy flushed red in embarrassment and sent her a sheepish smile, but it soon fell once she realized the news she'd had to deliver. She let a deep breath before locking eyes with her.

"I... I'm moving away."

To be continued...

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