Cutie chaeng-chaeng in her period

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Chaeyoung is having her red day and being grumpy
She asked mina to buy her ice cream and mina agreed cause
She knows what will happen her if she doesn't agree she sleep on the couch

Chaeyoung:Minaaaaaaaaaaaaa *Chaeyoung shouts*

Mina:Yes? *shouts back*

Chaeyoung:Come here in the room


Mina goes upstairs

Mina:Yes baby?

Chaeyoung:Buy me ice cream

what flavor? Mina added

Chaeyoung:Strawberry flavor

Mina:Okay Baby

Mina goes out to buy ice cream for Chaeyoung after 5 min

Mina:Baby I'm home *no response*

Mina goes upstairs to check if Chaeyoung is sleeping
And she saw Chaeyoung sleeping

Mina:Let me wake up this cub *Mina tought* Baby wake up

Chaeyoung:*wakes up*

Mina:Hey baby

Chaeyoung:What took you so long huh?

Mina:i had to walk


Mina:you want to eat the ice cream

Chaeyoung:I want to eat you *Chaeyoung whisper which Mina heard*

Mina:what was that?

Chaeyoung:nothing give me the ice cream

Mina:okay here *Mina hand the ice cream to Chaeyoung*

Chaeyoung:*eats happily*

Mina:you look happy

Chaeyoung:I am happy

Mina:*about to leave*

Chaeyoung:Yah minayah

Mina:Yes baby

Chaeyoung:Where are you going?


Chaeyoung:No don't leave me alone *Chaeyoung said with cute voice and aegyo*

Mina:aww okay you know I can't resist your cuteness

Chaeyoung:Give me cuwwdles

Mina:okay my baby

Michaeng cuddled the whole night until they fall asleep

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