that right there ^

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George pov ♡

We walked up to the restaurants front doors as dream opened it and let me walk in first. "Such a gentle man," I said rolling my eyes playfully and giggled.

We both walked in and was greeted with a waiter right away, "Hello! Table for two?" They said walking down one of the halls of tables, bring us to one. It had two chairs on either side with a small table in the middle of them. We sat down and they put two menus in front of us.

"I'll be back in a few minutes to get both of your guys orders." They said, grinning and walking away.

I looked over to dream, who was already staring at me. I blushed and looked away instantly. He I could hear him laugh under his breath, I looked back over to him.

"What're you lookin' at?" I asked rolling my eyes.

"I really pretty person," he said and laughed a little more.

I blushed even more as the waiter came back to get our orders.

"I would like a burger, medium rare please," Dream said, looking over to me to see what I'm going to order.

"Can I have the chocolate chip pancakes, please?" I said, rolling my eyes for the third time.

After a few seconds of the waiter writing our orders down they started to speak, "Okay, would you guys like any drinks with that?" They looked up, looking at both of us and then down at the writing pad again.

"Water please," dream said.

"Could I have a cherry temple?" I said, lookingnup at them, them back down to my hands.

"Alright! I'll be back with your orders in a minute." They said walking away from the table and walking into the back room.


They came back with our food, placing it down onto the table. I started to dig into the food, as I haven't eaten all day.

"We haven't gone on a date like this in a while," dream spoke, I finished the bit of food in my mouth then looked up at him.

"You're right, we don't go to restaurants often." I said, putting my fork down still looking at dream.

"We really should more often." He said taking a big bit of his burger into his mouth.

I loved going on dates with dream. It was a bounding moment for both of us. I mean we did always go to the beach, or a park and talk to eachother. But nothing fancy like a dinner date.

"I like going to dinner with you, Clay" I spoke without thinking. He smiled and looked up at me.

"Me too," I smiles and took a small bite of my food.

We finished our food and the waiter came shortly after. "Enjoy?" They said, we both nodded and they smiled stacking the plates on top of each other and picking them both up.

"I'll be back to bring you guys the check," they walked away as me and dream stared talking. Waiting for them to be back.

They came back giving us the check and walked away to give another table their food.

Dream payed, and we walked out of the restaurant. Leaving a tip for the waiter.

We got into the car and started to dive home. Dream put on the radio and we started listening to random songs that were playing out of it.

I looked out the window, it was lightly raining and dark out. Whenever it would rain like this I would always want to go outside and lay on the cold wet concrete, and just listen to it all poor down onto me. It was my favorite type of weather, I loved it so much.

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