the tranformation chapter 1

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I leaped out the other side of the table and ran for my life, I heard the girls shouting at each other behind me in unison "You let him get away!" I ran for the nearest hiding place I could find, Jenee's house. I knew her mum was probably away at work at this time of day, so the house would be empty.

I zoomed down the side of the house and into their back garden, the door to their conservatory was hanging open, so I quietly slid into the house and hid behind the sofa.

It took me a while to realise that I was now stuck in Jenee's house, I heard her closing the gate to the back garden, and her mum always kept the front door locked during the day. Jenee and her mum were the only ones who had the key!

I was now trapped, and Jenee was stalking around the house looking for me. She could do anything to me now, since I was technically trespassing.

When I began to think about what she might do to me, I became frozen with fear. She might pull off all my clothes and push me outside, or lock me in her sister's room and tell her mum I'm a pervert!

I didn't think to move and find a new hiding place, I was stuck in my own mind thinking of my fate. Jenee had already snuck up behind me and had me on my back in seconds.

The lipstain was primed and ready, she had one hand clamped onto my chin to hold me still.

"It's not so bad, stop being a baby" she said with an evil smirk on her face.

I closed my eyes and clenched my fists as she gently slid the lipstain over my lips, then used her thumb and forefinger to stretch my lips into a forced smile.

"There, I told you it's not so bad"

"I'm a boy!" I shouted at her. "You look more like a girl" she replied coolly.

I had to admit, being only 12 and having shoulder length curly blonde hair, that she was right.

Jenee smiled playfully and pulled me up to my feet with one hand, god she was strong. I knew she was just playing games, she didn't do this because she hated me, I imagined she was just in the mood for some friendly humiliation.

I remembered this girl was one of my best friends, so I returned her smile with a shy one of my own, even if it was directed at the floor. She lifted my chin up with her thumb and jokily said, "You look pretty".

I grunted.

We had about 2 hours before Jenee's mum got home, so we decided to go up to her room and watch TV. We must have been having so much fun that I forgot about the cherry taste on my lips.

"Jenee, how do I take this off?" I asked when the advertisement break came on.
"It doesn't come off" she replied quickly without looking away from the TV.

Now I didn't mind watching Mean Girls in a girl's room with a girl, but I was not going to wear lipstain forever, I had to put my foot down now.

"I'm serious, how do I take this off!" I wanted to shout but for the sake of all the fun we were having, I only raised my voice slightly. But before Jenee could reply, we heard the front door unlocking, and the voice of Jenee's mum announcing she was home.

Jenee didn't talk, she just went into overdrive as she sprinted about the room gathering supplies.

"Your mum can't see me like this! She'll tell my parents and I'll never be able to go outside again!" I whispered at her in a nervous and hysterical tone.

"No she can't, boy's aren't allowed in my room!" she squeaked at me in the same tone.

I decided what I would do immediately, I ran for Jenee's closet. My thinking was this was a girl's closet, so there will be tons and tons of clothes to hide behind.

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