Cʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ Tʜʀᴇᴇ.

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"Sw..sword master."

I say as I stumble into the gallery room. There he was standing in his armor talking to Avaline's husband.
He was even much larger than Yoongi, I've never seen a man who was basically a giant.

"You've awoken." He says as he watches me stand put at the entrance of the room.

"I'll leave you be, I'll tell the servants to get your carriage ready for your departure." Yoongi says leaving the room not paying me any mind.

"You're trembling..am I that bad?"

He turns to the window not looking at me anymore.

He hates me.

"I..don't think you're bad." I say.

"Well it's time for us to leave, you heard King Min..our carriage should be ready soon." He says walking closer towards me.

"Where..where are we going sword master?" I ask.

"Athoteviel is no longer your home.." he says.

"It's not?" I whisper, but he seems to ignore my questions and he grabs my hand and he guides me out the castle in a hurry.

He makes a sudden stop, causing me to crash right behind him.

"Damn it.." he grunts and I rub my arm and I bow my head, waiting for him to strike me for my clumsiness.

"I'm so sorry sword master.." I say softly and he lifts my head up and rolls his eyes.

"Sister!" Avaline yells out causing the two of us to turn around.

"You have to do right by our name, if Sir Taehyung finds you useless he could be grant a divorce it would bring such shame."

As she fixes my dress and I don't answer her as I board the carriage. No I will miss you sister or take care sister.

Just to make sure I prove myself worthy to my husband.

My evil father didn't even wish me a goodbye. My wedding was certainly just for political purposes I knew it, but I deserved a proper goodbye—

like Avaline.

"Sir—where are we going?" I whisper as I was afraid to ask him certain questions. I didn't want to overstep my boundaries.

"My land..how can you be so ignorant to marriages."

He scoffs and I bow my head in shame.

I was never informed how marriages work, or the things you had to do to complete the marriage. Maybe because father never planned to marry me off because I wasn't worth the title of a wife.

Well by law married women belonged to their husbands, so maybe I shouldn't have questioned when he decided to take me along with him

I just hope he doesn't regret it.

"You know I've never met a woman who has thought my presence was such a horrible thing."

He crosses his arms and his dark orbs scan me.

"It isn't that sword master."

I fidget with my fingers and try to keep my eyes on him.

"Do you wish to return to Athoteviel?" He asks.

"NO!" I yell.

Please don't take me back there. I promise I'll work my best to be your deserving wife.

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