Chapter 7: Night shift reception, acute appendicitis during pregnancy!

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"Doctor, is she okay with my wife? She is still pregnant with a child!"

Seeing his expression and tone, the man immediately became anxious.

"Don't worry about it, take it to me as soon as the inspection report comes out!

Did you hear that? "

Qin Feng shook his head when he heard the sound of a stretcher in the corridor.

The man nodded frantically like a chick, clinging to the checklist.

"The stretcher is coming!"

Zhao Yitian and Liu Juan, the head nurse behind him, have pushed the stretcher to the door.

Then the pregnant woman was stretched on a stretcher by the four people. At this time, her painful face turned pale.

Dou Da's sweat drops continuously, and his back is already soaked.

Seeing the pregnant woman being pushed away, Qin Feng couldn't help but hang up.

"Qin Feng, what's the matter?"

"Doctor Zhao, I suspect that the pregnant woman has acute appendicitis."

Hearing Qin Feng's diagnosis, Zhao Yitian felt his scalp numb momentarily and opened his mouth.

" sure are you?"

"Although it has not been diagnosed yet, it is estimated that it will not be far from ten."

When Qin Feng's words fell, Zhao Yitian suddenly became nervous.

Acute appendicitis during pregnancy is a terrible thing!

Ordinary people get appendicitis, whether it is chronic or acute, it can be resolved easily.

This is a small operation, even if the attending doctor like Zhao Yitian can come on stage to do it.

But acute appendicitis in pregnant women is very dangerous.

Acute appendicitis during pregnancy easily spreads, necrosis, perforation and peritonitis are prone to occur, and the condition develops extremely fast.

This is due to congestion of the pelvic organs during pregnancy, and congestion of the appendix.

At the same time, the uterus continues to enlarge, and the abdominal organs move up.

When the appendix is ​​inflamed, the omentum cannot be effectively wrapped, causing the inflammation to expand and aggravate, and then cause peritonitis.

After inflammation stimulates the uterus, it induces contractions and leads to miscarriage and premature delivery.

In severe cases, it can lead to hypoxia and even death of the fetus!

"But the case of pregnant women's abdominal pain is not limited to appendicitis. Why are you sure that this is the case?"

Zhao Yitian also became worried, and asked with a frown.

"So I need to do basic examination and B-ultrasound, she can't do CT, I added an MRI (a multi-functional imaging technology)"

Qin Feng nodded, affirmed.

There are also many cases of abdominal pain during pregnancy, such as premature birth, renal colic, abruption of the placenta, and degeneration of uterine fibroids.

So the diagnosis of the condition is extremely important!

Once the diagnosis is wrong, it is very likely that pregnant women and the children in their stomachs are in danger.