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Welcome back guys it's me ALOO.How are y'all? As I promised I came back with a new twist in this part. Thank you for coming back. So, Yeah. Let's get into the story.
*Fredrick's POV*
" What did she just say........"
So I texted her back with shaken hands-

*" Can I call you?"*
*" Yeah , Sure"*

*Ring* *Ring...........*

Stella:" Hello, Fredy?"

Fredrick:" Hello, Stella.Yeah it's me Fredrick. What do you mean you're gonna die?"

Stella:" Yeah,I have blood cancer. The doctor said that I'm gonna die in like two months"

Fredrick:" B..... Blood Cancer?But how did it happ-"

Stella:" Don't worry Fredy. It's my fate. I can't do anything about it. I've seen almost everyone of my friends. I just wanted to meet you before I go. So..... Can we meet?"

Fredrick: " Yeah, let's meet at globe park. How does Sunday sounds to you?"

Stella:" Yeah,sounds good to me.See you then."

I can't believe that I was seeing her after all these years. Sunday came in a blink of an eye. I woke up very early in the morning.

(ALOO: He didn't sleep the whole night LoL)

I took a shower and wore a coat. I wore a cologne of the scent of Lilies and got ready.

 I wore a cologne of the scent of Lilies and got ready

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(ALOO: Fuck, he's looking so handsome. Okay I'll leave now.)

*" These are her favourite flowers"* I thought myself as I inhale the sweet smell of my cologne. Out of excitement I looked at the mirror. Then suddenly my smile dropped.

*" This is the same girl who made your life miserable, Remember? This is the same girl whom you hated for ten years. So how can you be this happy about meeting her????"*

I was just going to cancel the meeting when suddenly in text-

*" Fredy, be ready. I have a very big surprise for you.

I jumped out of excitement and ended up coming with fresh lily flowers.

I jumped out of excitement and ended up coming with fresh lily flowers

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