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Lexa's pov:

"Good stirke Aden! Maren, focus on your strategy more, think that you're in a live-death situation!" Quinevere shouts in the other side of the fighting area.

It's been a week. Week since Titus shot me, week since Clarke saved me. The whole week has been quite nice honestly. I mean, Clarke wanted to stay in Polis. She said the reason was that she wants to take care of me, wants to make sure that i don't reopen the wound.

I've spent a lot time with her. Took her with me on a walks, showed her around Polis. Two days ago we even rode in the little hill nearby with our horses. It was quite romantic may i say.

What happened to Titus was quite...i dont know, brutal? No, it wasn't, he almost shot Clarke. Maybe me kicking him off of the tower was right thing to do. Maybe Clarke was right and he indeed deserved it.

And i can't even imagine what have happened if the bullet had hitted her istead of me. No Lexa, she would've survived, she's been experienced even worse things after all.

I let my eyes move to Aden, my favourite nightblood. His fighting is something that makes me feel proud. The blonde boys determited look in his greyish eyes when he moves with the sword. His certain way how he holds it. It's just something special. The confidence. That's just what he needs to become commander. He can actually win the whole conclave after i die. After couple of years probably. The commanders...never live long, happy life. Like never. It's such a miracle if someone lives over fourty years.

"You taught them well." The blonde girl states next to me while her eyes follow Aden's fighting. She rubs her cheeck which is an another lever of adorable. I dont know why, but she makes me completely weak. All the things she do, makes me want to give her a warm hug. Or, not all, sometimes i just want to, you know, get kinky.

"Thank you." I respond.

Oh shit, did i just blush?

I turn my face on the left. Just to hide my blushing. The embarassment is something i can barely handle. Now, i just want to disappear. And speaking of disappearing, i can't see morrigan anymore. The only redhead should be easy to notice, but no, the fire locks owner is somewhere else than where she should be.

"Clarke, did you-"

"Saw a redheaded girl? Yes, it looked like she left back to the city." The blonde girl next to me answers with a little smirk which makes me want to faint. Oh how i just want to pull her in a long, amazing kiss. The lips of hers are so soft and-

"Commander?" Torryn repeats i quess. He looks at me with a confused look. Looks like today is supposed to be really embarassing. Great. Absolutely great. I nod, giving him a change to tell his problem.

"Is it true that you and wanheda kissed?" He hints with exitement. How do they know? Did someone saw us? Do they know about the whole thing? Okay...calm down Lexa, just act like you dont know anything.

"What are you talking about? Who told you that?" I ask, pretending to be confused. Maybe they dont know anything, maybe...maybe they just ask out of curiosity. I mean children are confusing sometimes.

"So it is true? Interesting..." he teases smiling a little. Bloody children. How do they know everything? I wasn't even suspicious. Not at all. I bite my bottom lip while trying to think what i'm going to say to him. Because if i say something wrong, he'll probably going to tell everyone else about it.

"No, no it's not true, not at all." I mumble. I feel that my cheeks are turning red again.

"Honesty, commander, i totally respect you in all the ways but you are a terrible liar." The boy claims and lifts his eyebrow, looking like he just heard the most unbelievable news. Do they really know? No, they can't. I look at Clarke who seemingly try not to laugh. How can this moment be funny to her in any way? This is literally the definition of embarassing. Well, atleast she's not mad. Mad, that our secret just spreaded and soon everyone knows about it.

Just breath, Lexa. At some point everyone would have heard about it anyways. It was just a matter of time.

When i've finally relaxed a little bit i look at Clarke again, scanning her with my eyes. She notices me after couple of seconds and start to look at me with confusion. After a while i got myself looking at her lips a little bit too long so feeling again more embarassed i let them move to the ground.

"What's on your mind?" She asks with sweet tone in her angelic voice.

"Umh, nothing, i'm just...enjoying the wiew." I mutter, smiling a little. Oh gosh really? Why i need to be so awkward around her?

"You mean enjoying my lips?" She teases, smirking.

"Clarke!" Is all i can say, but it makes her look at me with her adorable blue eyes. Gosh i can't get enough of them. I need to kiss her, but not there. Not here with all the nightbloods looking. I need to get away with her. Somewhere.

"Ummh, should we like...leave? I mean quinevere's here anyways. She can take care of them." I suggest. I'm really glad Quinevere's helping them, teaching them. Titus did that job before, but since he's not around anymore i needed someone else to do it. She was perfect. That woman loves children, all kinds of them. She's also really kind and caring, what are both good traits to have to do that kind of job. And the nightbloods seem to like her more than Titus, which is not a miracle to be honest.


"What was that important?" Clarke starts with questioning smile when we arrive to a little hill in the middle of forest.

Saying any words i pull her into a kiss. A long one. It's worth of all the waiting. I wrap my arms around her waist and pull her closer to me. The whole moment is just so...beautiful. She's beautiful. I can't resist myself, so after taking a couple of breaths i kiss her again. One shaky moan gets out of my mouth, a long one.

"Oh damn, i didn't know the commander can moan." She whispers with shaky breath. Gosh this is just so...her lips are so...

Everything i can wish for.

"Let me show you something. I promise you're going to love it." I whisper and take Clarke's hand, starting to drag her deeper in the forest.

After a while we arrive to probably one of the most beautiful place in Polis. The flower field. There's all kind of flowers, sunflowers, roses...

We also call it a magic garden, quite apposite name to be honest. It's just so magically beautiful.

I drag her with me in the middle of the field and then kiss her again. Now the kiss is shorter, but still just as wonderful as the previous one. "I can't get enough if this." Clarke whispers and bites her lip, smirking in a really hot way.

"And i can't get enough of you." I whisper back and kiss her again.

I dont know if our relationship is good for us, it has the risks and all.

But i do know one thing, i love her.


Mkay, first of all, i know this is super rushed, and i'm sorry bout it :d but yey, a happy, embarassing fluff chapter ;D

I really need to start writing sum modern day clexa story, i mean theyre easier to write so yeah,, i already have one idea what it is gonna be like but i'm not sure bout it haha :D

Lol that's all i think, see ya sooner or later d:

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