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I dedicated this book to varzanic for writing one of my fave series-Demon Series>>>> it gave me an idea. So yeah, few things might be similar....I swear I can't spell.

Jack nervously paced the area outside the caveroom waiting for any indication on Ellie...anything. It didn't help calm the alpha's nerves that he couldn't hear his mate or that she wasn't making any sounds. 

Running his hands through his hair, he sighed deeply and quickened his paced. Ryan, Jack's brother and beta eyed him as he paced. The beta stood with his back against the wall and his arms crossed. Their father stood with them as well, his arms crossed over his chest as their eyes followed Jack.

"Can you stop bro? You're making me nervous."

"You would be too if it were Keith in there!" Jack shouted angrily at his brother. Ryan held his hands up in surrender.

"Keith can't give birth; he's a man. I'm just saying, you should chill. Ellie's a strong one."

Jack sighed knowing he shouldn't have lost his temper but he was so damned nervous. He didn't know what to expect. What if something went wrong? What if his son didn't make it or what if neither Ellie nor his child made it? His pack was depending on him and they were not in the position to handle well, the loss of their Luna. 

"Did it happen?" Keith, Ryan's sub and mate asked as he ran up to the three dominants. They all shook their heads. Keith looked to Jack and he could sense the nervousness, worry and tension radiating off of him.

"It's going to be alright, Jack." Keith said hoping it would calm him even a notch. Jack seriously scared the crap out of the little sub. Just then, Ellie screamed out. Jack's heart raced in his chest in anticipation. All four became tense as Ellie continued to scream in the room over.

Her screams were followed by a small short howl. Another scream and a tiny whimper, so faint they nearly missed it. Steven laughed and clapped Jack on the shoulder.

"It looks as though you're the father of two. How about we go meet the newest members of the pack?" Steven laughed. Jack nodded and let his father lead him in. He rushed to Ellie's side gathering her in his arms.

"They're beautiful, Jack." The alpha smiled as his mother, being the one who delivered the pups, turned around with a bundle of blankets in her arms. She carried it over to its parents and settled the bundle into Ellie's arms. Jack moved it out of the way to stare down at a beautiful black pup. His fur shone and his eyes were so green; they were breath-taking. Jack gaped and nudged the little guy's head with his fingers. The pup squealed grabbing at his father's hands. The small pup yawned and closed his eyes.

Everyone in the room awed at the sight. Jack's mother turned around again with another bundle of blankets; only smaller. She approached Jack. "Be careful, he's much smaller than his brother." With that, she put the bundle in his arms and parted the blankets.

The small wolf was white with black paws, a black tipped tail and two black spots on its forehead that made him look as though he had huge dark eyebrows with the smallest amount of black on the tips of its ears. Big green eyes with specks of gold stared up at him. Jack scowled. This was a omega destined male if he could contribute to the pack. 

How could this child be mine?

Jack turned an accusatory glare to his mate. "How is this my child? He's an sub." 

Ellie pinned her husband with a lethal stare. "I did not whore myself. He is every bit your son as this one." she said motioning to the pup she cradled. "If you think I will allow you to love one twin and deny the other, think again, Jack Peak." Jack shrunk away. Ellie was a dominant female and she'd made a point that no male; dominant or sub; alpha, beta or omega should ever cross her. 

Ellie was the only child of her father who was the alpha of her pack. She was destined to become the next alpha but her marriage to Jack, doubled the strength of both packs. Both packs united and became one large pack living under Jack and Mount Peak.

The alpha looked down at his youngest son and what he saw, took his breath away. Those bright green eyes held him captive as they fluttered ever so often as the tiny wolf fought sleep. And when the pup yawned, Jack completely melted.

Why was his initial thought to reject, even disinherit this child? Ellie was right. The pup he held in his arms was every bit his son as the one his mate cradled ever so lovingly. Jack had emerald green eyes, bright and vivid with specks of gold, and this pup, had the same eyes. 

Never had he seen something so precious and it was in this moment, that he spend looking at his new-born son fight sleep that he felt an overwhelming urge to keep this child protected. In fact, he would do anything to keep his boys safe now that they had entered into a world that was rather harsh and dangerous.

"Will you accept this child, Jack?" Steven asked his son in a stern tone. Come to think of it, Jack would say it sounded like a threat; something along the lines of: You better take care of that child or I'll personally see you dead. 

Jack would expect this as the these two wolf pups, were his first and only grandchildren. Jack looked down at the sleeping pup nestled in his hands. "Of course. He's my son." he replied cradling the child close, lovingly and placing a kiss against the soft head-fur on the pup's head. He stared the sleeping pup, his gaze quickly flitting to his mate, a smile on his lips as he watched Ellie hum to him, then back to the sub pup in his arms.

We created these two bundles of joy.

"Good, so what are their names?" Steven asked.

"We chose Felix but we hadn't expected twins." Ellie said, her lips pursed; a sign that she was thinking of another name.

"The eldest shall be called Felix." Jack said. He looked back down to the pup in his arms and thought of a name. The pup's eyes fluttered open and those eyes stared at Jack.

I'm going to cry.

"The youngest, shall be called Fang." His eyes shine like those of a venomous snake and because of his black and white pelt, he will not be like other subs. He will be taller, stronger and faster than most subs and always willing to fight even when the odds are against him.

But even so, Fang was one hell of a beautiful pup, unique for there may not be other like him and Jack would kill anyone if they dared to speak out of turn, look at Fang the wrong way or touch even so much as thinking of touching him.

"Fang? Don't you think that's a bit...dominant for a sub?" Ryan asked oblivious to the fact that his innocent question had flared Jack's temper.

"Don't judge what I name my children and I won't judge what you name yours." Jack growled holding his son closer as if to shield him from Ryan's words. Steven placed a hand on Jack's shoulder.

"I think it's obvious Fang is no ordinary sub." Ryan shrugged his shoulder to his father's observation and examined the pup closer.

"I guess." Ryan smiled as he reached to play with the sub pup. Fang squealed and  slapped at his uncle's hands. "I'm dead. That was so adorable." Ryan commented.

Everyone in the room laughed. Ellie then laid Felix down and Jack laid Fang down next to his brother as the adults in the room gathered around the sleeping twins. They exclaimed in awe as the twin, as though sensing the other's presence, reached out simultaneously to comfort the other, curling together in a tight ball of fur as if to protect each other.

"They'll do this pack good. In fact, I have a feeling that with those two, Mount Peak will be stronger than ever." Steven said looking at his two grandsons. "Speaking of," he turned his attention to Ryan and Keith, "When do I expect grandchildren from you two?" Steven teased. The sub blushed and shrunk into his mate's side.

"Dad!" Ryan whined. "Not now." Steven laughed.

"Well, it better be soon! I'm not getting any younger." he retorted sharply as Ryan rolled his eyes.


Jack Peak at top.

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