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"How does it feel Jet?" Fang spoke up and walked around his twin. When he spoke, there was no missing the anguish in his voice. "How does it feel to get a dose of your own medicine?"

"What?" Fang wanted to punch Jet square in the face. How could he not understand what he was trying to say?

"All those times when you flirted with someone else to make me jealous; I wanted you to know how I felt; that's why I let you catch me." Fang explained the tears gathering in his eyes. Jet had hurt him one too many times and he was beginning to wonder why he didn't call off things sooner.

Then again; it was nearly impossible to break the bond between mates. One of them would have to die in order for that bond to break but usually; the remaining mate dies not long after. In dominants; they usually get really sick and it is the same with subs but nine out of ten times, subs rather kill themselves than mate with another who wasn't their mate.

"What kind of sick game are you playing Fang?" Jet shouted angrily drawing stares from a couple that passed by. After they left, Felix pulled his twin behind him as if to shield him.

"You should ask yourself that Jet. I see you around the sub campus flirting with others who isn't my brother and now you're here with her." Felix said pointing to Amanda. While she was human; she knew of the existence of werewolves all thanks to Jet who'd shifted in front of her to prove it. She'd been sworn to secrecy especially after Felix found out that Jet had told her. He'd cornered her and promised her that if she ever told anyone, he'd find her end her life. The world just wasn't ready for that.

Look at what they're doing to animals they know of. One by one, the species are going extinct. If they found out; humans would probably hunt werewolves into extinction just like they'd done their Dire Wolf cousins.

The Dire wolves were their animal cousins while werewolves are the human half.

"I promised you that if you ever hurt my brother, I would kill you. I don't break promises Jet."

"No but apparently your brother does." Fang stared incredulously at Jet.

"When have I ever broken a promise to you?" Jet turned to face Fang pinning him with a lethal glare. How could Fang have done this to him?

"The promise of trust." Fang gasped as he felt a sharp pain cut through his chest. It felt like Jet had just crushed his heart with that statement. "How am I supposed to trust you after what you did? If I hadn't gotten there in time who knows what you would've done. I'm humiliated to call you my mate and I don't even think I want you anymore."

"Whoa!" Jet shoved Felix back as he came at him.

Felix stared in shock fearing what Jet was about to do. If he did what Felix thought he was going to do, he'd have no choice but to carry out his threat.

" was just some harmless fun." Fang said trying to reason with his mate. He didn't like the way Jet was looking at he could go through him.

"I, Jet Ridge reject you Fang Peak..."

"Jet please don't do this." Fang begged as the tears fell. No! This was supposed to be recompense for Jet hurting him; it wasn't supposed to end like this.

"I, Jet Ridge reject you Fang Peak as my mate." Fang gasped dropping to his knees as pain crippled him. No! "I never want to see you again."

Felix roared in anger balling his fist launching for Jet but he didn't get very far since Fang called his name stopping him and within the blink of an eye, he'd back tracked and was now at his twin's side.

"He's not worth it, Felix. Let it go." Fang whispered as silent teardrops fell from his eyes and hit the concrete ground beneath him. He sniffled and looked up to see Jet rake him with a distasteful glare before leaving with Amanda.

Great, how was he going to tell his parents that Jet rejected him and no longer wanted him as a mate? How was he going to look to all the other subs and dominants? The black haired sub whose mate didn't want him...yeah, that was him now; he was going to be the laughing stock of all the dominants back at home.


Because of what happened Jet had ditched them and ran off with Amanda for the rest of the day so Fang hitched a ride with his brother. The black and white werewolf was in his wolf form curled into a tight ball snuggled close to his twin as if he were somehow trying to ease the pain of rejection.

Bianca ran a soothing hand through Fang's head fur and every now and then, she'd whisper soothing words of encouragement to him. Felix looked over to his mate grateful that she was here to help him with Fang. He was pissed to an unbelievable level and hoped that Jet kept his distance for the remainder of their school years in Roxborough or else he really probably will kill Jet.

While he wondered about how their parents would react to this his number one priority right now was tending to Fang. He didn't deserve this.

This was why he never was comfortable with Jet being Fang's mate. He always patiently waited until the bastard slipped up. While they were friends; nothing compared to his brother. Sure, they had their fights and quarrels; their fallouts but at the end of the day, they'd brush it off and go back to being brothers.

Felix looked down to his smaller counterpart and he could hear the smaller wolf whimpering though it was barely audible; in the silence of the car, it came very softly. His twin was fighting off a heartbreak; the worst possible kind. Felix ran a soothing hand through Fang's fur. "Everything will be alright brother."


Picture of sad Fang at top

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