Fall Out Boys

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5 years old

Given that today was the boys' fifth birthday, Jack had promised them that he'd take them somewhere special to play in the afternoon. It was a place that his father had taken him and Ryan multiple times. It was where he'd taken Ellie when they wanted to be alone in peace and quiet and just talk and as did Ryan with Keith.

Yes, the place had significance and Jack was just about the boys' age when his father had taken him and his brother there for the first time.

It was early afternoon and given the position of sun in the sky, Jack would say it was about two o'clock. The alpha walked through the woods in his wolf form which was a massive form of black with red markings. Jack's wolf was stunning and he'd figured that Fang must have gotten his white from his mother. Ellie's wolf although predominantly black had very little white markings. Whenever Jack saw the two together he always thought this: where Ellie lacked in the colour white, Fang made up and where Fang lacked in black, his mother made up for it.

Underneath him, two little furry things ran around in carefree abandon chasing each other and dodging between their father's legs. The alpha had to be careful how he walked so to avoid either of his sons accidentally knocking into one of his legs or him accidentally stepping on them. They were so small.

The two pups barked and growled, laughing and chasing each other. Felix was making it habit of pouncing on his smaller counterpart when Fang least expected it and it was starting to piss the smaller wolf off. Felix attacked again but this time he tugged at his brother's ear really an innocent act but he had no idea how agitating it was making his brother.

Turing on his brother, Fang snarled baring his teeth and fangs and barked at Felix. A bark which surprisingly scared the future dominant werewolf as the black pup scrambled in a mad fury trying to climb up his father front leg. Fang kept up his barking and snarling his body crouched low as he assessed his brother who was desperately clinging to their father for protection.

Jack stopped and brought his head down to where his eldest child dangled from his leg whimpering. He nudged the pup on his head before looking to Fang who stood under his father baring his teeth and snarling. Jack shook his head motioning for Fang to come stand in front of him and the white and black puppy did as his superior wanted. Jack then nudged his youngest on his back with his muzzle before nuzzling his eldest on the head once again. Slowly, Felix returned to the ground but the moment his paws touched the earth, Fang pounced tackling his brother drawing a whimper from him.

Fang laughed as he pinned his brother. The alpha sat down making himself comfortable as he watched the two run about and wrestle every now and then pinning each other and tackling. The two started chasing each other running around in circles around their father all the while his eyes followed them. He looked back up to the sun and realized in that moment that at the rate they were moving, it would be sundown before they even reached their destination. Lazily and discreetly, he held out a large red paw and waited for his boys to come running around the front. Fang had been too busy laughing and making sure his brother never caught that he hadn't seen the red paw in front of him and went crashing into it. Felix followed crashing into his smaller counterpart the two tumbling in a pile.

The two groaned and turned their heads to glare at their father and alpha. "Why'd you do that?" they asked simultaneously. Jack simply got up and nudged them each.

"At the rate we're going, we'll never get to that place I promised you. I'd like to get you two home before the sun goes back down so that you mother doesn't throw a fit." He explained causing the boys to groan but nevertheless they got up as well and followed trotting between their father's legs. It was an agreement they'd made with their father whenever he took them out.

An Omega Novel: Fang (Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now