Chapter I

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Robespierre was headed out of the tennis court at 12:00AM because he had to do work and he was tired but wanted a drink so he went to a bar. When he was drinking a guy approched him. It was Saint-Just his friend Saint-Just said "hey what are you doing in here at the bar you should go home by now" but Robespierre said that he was tired but wanted a drink. When Robespirre was about to pay the drink Saint-Just said "Why don't I pay it you seem very tired from work I'll just pay it for you instead" Robespierre said thanks to him. Well I have to go now see you tommorow pal said Saint-Just. Tommorow while Robespierre was in his office Saint-Just went to his office and helped him but also showed what was on the newspaper. Robespierre was very intrested by the news paper and they were sharing their opinions on it. By the time it was lunch he shared his to his friend Saint-Just cause He did not had lunch with him they talked for a lot during lunch break in his office and then Robespierre worked while Saint-Just helped him in his work.

Ok thats chapter I chapter II coming soon also manifesting for my famouse era.

Gay french revolution mfs (Robespierre x Saint-Just)Where stories live. Discover now