cornered // part 2

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Not good at all.
Iida was in front of us. It was easy for him to outrun us. The streets had cleared after seeing three villains being pursued, and nobody wanting to get injured or in the way.
Any ice that came close by was melted away. Dabi's idea to cover every part of his skin was intelligent. Eraser couldn't see him.
Nobody came close because of the flames. 
"Hhhey, this coffee's getting cold. Shigaraki's gonna be pissed."
I sighed, annoyed at failing my simple job to grab a coffee. Dabi barely glanced at me. 
I would use my power so we could blow all these heroes away and get Shigaraki his coffee, but I didn't want them to figure out 'quirkless' little me had a quirk! A powerful one, too.
Well, we were certainly cornered..
"..Toga don't you have some of, like, Uraraka's blood?.. why don't you use that to float us?"
I muttered to her, gesturing upwards. She looked at me, before nodding slowly. 
"Izuku-kun, stop being a genius."
She took a small tube and drank half, her appearance shifting to 'Uraraka'. Dabi stared at her before she whacked me, Dabi's and herself, making us float.
"What the?!-"
Eraserhead shouted as we floated. My feet soon landed onto a solid roof, and I floated for a while longer, before dropping onto the roof.
"C'mon. It's not safe to go directly back. Run."
I turned and began to run, hearing the footsteps behind me. It would take around 4 minutes for Eraser to get all of the students up to the roof. 1 minute for only him. That is unless Todoroki used his ice..
A thud was heard behind me and I looked back, half expecting what I saw.
Ectoplasm clones. Toga was knocked out, and Dabi was fending off multiple.
I growled and took out multiple of my throwing knives. I threw them, each of them landing hits. Head, head, shoulder, leg (not that it did anything, I noted. His leg was fake.) and another head.
I ran forward and scooped up Toga, grunting at the extra weight. If I was right..
I turned to see the UA students and their teacher arriving.
"Dabi, I bear bad news! Do I?-"
I asked, signalling the best I could to my eyes. He shook his head and began blasting flames at each of the, despite the blood trickling from his burn scars. He was straining.
I focused my eyes on one of the students. I had to do something to help. My quirk activated, and they stood completely still, before beginning to vomit. Blood red.
Attention turned to Ejirou Kirishima, who was spewing out blood, and soon to be his organs. Dabi looked at me and I began sprinting, hearing him following.
"You used your quirk?!"
"I had to. You're not exactly in tip-top shape, and Toga ain't helping."
Togas knees were dragging against the concrete, and I stopped when I saw the gap. I could jump that, and so could Dabi, but with Toga?..
I felt a sudden material tighten around me and I coughed, looking at the scarf around me.
"..Dabi. This may be game over."
I was yanked back, throwing Toga on top of me so she wouldn't be dragged against the rough roof top back to the heroes. I looked up at them.
Two gleaming red eyes met me, before darkness reached my head.

End screen.

Can people change? // Villain Deku Rehabilitation AU (discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now