The woman was too stunned to speak

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I just sat there in my bed. "The runner is being chosen today."  I stared Rosette in the eyes, she seemed unbothered and went back into the bathroom. Turning the tap to the bath off.

I'm going to die. I am going to die. No, no, no, no, no. I started panicking.
That's too much magic, it'll kill me, the ceremony is going to kill me. I was breathing fast and my heart rate spiked on the monitor to an alarming pace. I gripped onto my bed's sides and looked around aimlessly. Rosette rushed over to me from the bathroom.
"Jasper, calm down sweetie." she said.
I didn't listen, I couldn't control my breathing. I was wheezing and tears slipped down my cheeks.
"I'm going to die." I said, my voice was raspy. Rosette was reaching over to me and I just grabbed onto her arm
"You won't die." She said, her eyes were relaxed.
Well I wasn't relaxed. I was absolutely petrified. I looked at my monitor from across the room and it was informing Rosette that my heartbeat was going at 200 beats per minute. So I definitely wasn't okay.
"How could you say that?" I choked out. "The ceremony is going to be big and all that magic is going to reach me." I was sobbing and cried onto Rosette's arm. The one I had grabbed onto.
"I know." She said, her voice was so soft and gentle. She sat down besides me on the bed and allowed me to shuffle into both her arms as she held me firmly. My breathing was still struggling.
"The doctors have been working on a..." she paused, "Cure."
And I paused as well. My breathing was soft, but still hard and raw from crying. She stroked my hair gently in a comforting manner.
"They finished it a month ago." She said, "I didn't want to tell you incase it failed, but..." Rosette smiled down at me. My mouth went dry..

"It was confirmed yesterday that it worked, the downfall is it only lasts for a week, but it works."

I looked her in the eyes and started to cry, but this time it was tears of joy.
"You're going to live, Jasper." She said, with tears of her own.
We both cried and held onto one another. The sun embraced us as we hugged and laughed. I was going to be fine, I never thought I could be, but I was going to live and maybe even get to experience magic up close, without it hurting me. I might just be able to live my life normally.
I know it only lasts a week, but if I took it every week I could live outside the hospital walls. I could touch the ground. OH MY WORD I CAN GO TO CARNIVALS.
"When can I take the cure?!?" I exclaimed. I felt as though my body was floating.
"We can go, right now." Rosette said. She got up out of the bed and Wheeled my wheelchair over to me.
"But first you have to bath." She said. I jumped out of bed completely ignoring the wheelchair, she laughed and opened my bathroom door for me. I was so excited I didn't even take off my clothes. I just leaped into the tub.
"BAHAHA." Rosette laughed so loud I felt the ground rumble (not literally, but it might as well happened)

I took off my clothes and Rosette put it away in the washing basket.
"Do I need to help you?" She asked with her arms crossed, her smile was still plastered across her face.
"Nope." I said and gave her a little smile. She then closed the door. Leaving me alone to wash myself. When I was done, I got out, dried myself and got dressed in the uniform she left on my bed.
"I'm ready!!!" I yelled out. Rosette then came into the room and gestured to the wheelchair. I sat down immediately and waited.
"You remind me of a puppy." She laughed.
Then we headed to the room which had the cure....

                                                                  Then we headed to the room which was going to save me

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