Remembering slowly

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My eyes are stiff and puffy. I can barely keep them open, but I do manage to see Rosette rush over to Dr. William's side. She clings onto his arm as a few tears slip down her cheeks.
"Jasper, sweetie." She said through the tears, "How are you feeling? Are you in pain?"
I don't have the energy to speak, but I give her a slight shake of my head, telling her I'm not in pain.
"Okay." She sniffed and gave me a weak smile, "I was so worried you were.. gone." A few more tears slipped down her cheeks. Dr. Williams wipes the tears with his free hand before speaking softly.
"But we know you're a fighter." A slight pause, "Do you remember what happened?"

"I'm was your royal advisor."

I blinked, my eyes failing to stay open.

His smile, his eyes staring at me fondly.

"I'm tired." Was all I said. Dr. Williams nodded his head. He turned around, Rosette lets go of his arm and stays behind as he walks out. He looks back at Rosette before leaving the room.
"Call me immediately if you are in any sort of pain..." she said, before adding. "Please.."
I nodded and turned onto my side, back facing Rosette. I heard her sigh and her fading footsteps were the only sign that she has left. I let out a breath and finally closed my eyes, slowly I drifted to sleep.

"Darling, you're going to get sick." A familiar voice spoke, but I was enjoying the rain, I span around and around, letting the cold rain drops hit me. A small sigh rang out in my ears. Then I felt arms wrap around my waist. A head resting into my left shoulder. I felt his warm breathe hit me. I leaned into the touch.
"If you can't beat them, join them." I said. He chuckled, his laugh sending a shiver down my spine.
"You make a great point Darling." He said playfully, then I was turned around by him, he put his left hand on my hip and right on my shoulder. He started leading me through the rain and we danced. The rain poured, but there was only warmth now. I smiled, enjoying the moment. I knew what I wanted to do next, say next... To finally let him know. I faced him after he twirled me and gathered up my courage.

"I love you." I said as I looked into his eyes, his beautiful eyes. His eyes widened, He stopped dancing. I panicked, but before I could overthink. He smiled with glee. And twirled me around and dipped me.
"I love you too Darling." He whispered into my ear and brought me up to him and gave me the most loving kiss. It was filled with warmth and bliss. I felt as if I was now complete.
This was freedom. With this man who I love so much, I'd do anything for him and by the way he kissed me, I knew he would too.

I wake up. My heart beating fast, I put my fingers to my lips. I could feel myself blushing. I couldn't get the kiss out of my head. I took my pillow and held it to my chest. I just relived a memory I didn't know I had. But there was a name that was now ringing through my head. One that I loved. Who I loved....


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