Chapter 6

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"Are you done yet?" I asked. Seth ran the towel through his hair one more time and looked into the mirror.

"I guess this will have to do." Seth mumbled. He tossed the wet towel into a nearby hamper and crouched down to zip his suitcase back up.

Avery lay in my arms still fast asleep. I kissed her fingers and ran my hand through her hair. It was normally into a soft curly afro but today it was held up into pigtails.
The main event match for tonight was just finishing up. Roman fought in an "I Can And I Will" T-shirt and the rest of his gear. Bryan and Roman won all the matches from the tag team turmoil, Both tired from each match but managed to overcome the tiredness and slay in every match.

Seth picked his suitcase up and rolled it over to me. "Finally. I'm starving." I whined. Seth chuckled and reached over gently taking Avery from my arms. She stirred but layed her head on his chest.

I opened the door as Seth rolled his suitcase out, still holding Avery and we headed out the doors to the car.

"Wait, if we're leaving with the car whose  Dean riding with?" I asked taking Avery from him. I open the back door of the car and strap my Sleeping Beauty in her carrier. Seth shrugged as he put his suitcase in the trunk.

"I dont know, but he'll find a way." Seth said hopping in. I climbed into the passenger side.

"Alright. Chinese or Mexican?" Seth smiled turning to me. I clasped my hands together and thought for a while. "Chinese."

"Alright. Since Ava's sleeping we can take it back to the hotel." Seth suggested. I sighed and  grit my teeth together.

"No one calls her Ava but me."I muttered as Seth put the key into the ignition.


"Just drive." I grumped. Before we left the parking lot the back door opened startling both Seth and I. Dean hopped in and scoffed.

"Who did yall think you were leaving behind?"He asked crossing his arms. I laughed a little and turned to him. You gotta love Dean.

"Get your ass out Ambrose." Seth whined.

The door opened again and this time Roman slid in. Seth and I sighed loudly as Dean and Roman slapped hands. Just great.

"You can leave if you want to. Your not being foced to stay." Roman mimicked me from earlier.

"This isnt your car. So hop out of my face with  that bullshit." I retorted.

Roman chuckled sarcastically. "Yes it is my damn car. I just let Seth borrow it so he can impress your stupid ass."Roman replied throwing Seth under the bus.

Dean groaned and pushed Roman's head. "You guys are so childish. Even Avery is more mature than you guys." Dean said making me feel better. I sat back in my seat and crossed my arms as Seth drove out of the parking lot.

We reached the Chinese food place within a matter of minutes. I ordered the Fried Rice with sweet and sour sauce with a side of egg rolls. Seth ordered their noodles and some egg rolls. Dean bought his own food, and Roman said he wasnt hungry. The ride to the hotel was pretty quiet.

Dean helped me carry Avery and her carseat inside the hotel. Seth rolled  his Suitcase away to their suite, leaving me with the food and promising to be back. Roman also left to the suite he and the boys shared with out another word. Back in my suite, I pulled off my shoes and sighed of relif. It was a quarter past ten and the suite was empty. Maybe Alicia and the other girls went out.

I set my purse down on the couch and stretched a little moving out of the way so Dean could come in.

"Thanks Ambrose." I smiled walking to the coffie table and setting the food down.

"No problem."

Roman POV

"..All Im saying is try to be nice to her." Seth lectured. I scoffed and unzipped my gym bag. I removed my socks, shorts and T shirts from it and tossed it into the laundry basket.

"Be nice to her? Dude you know how rude she is. Im not going to sit on my ass and just listen her her insult me." I replied. Seth moved around the room looking for his dirty clothes. We havent even been in this hotel for 24 hours but he still manages to loose his things.

"C'mon. She's so pretty and cute. She's funny and nice. You know?" Seth said. I didnt comment. She was pretty. But when you have a pretty face and ugly personality it makes you look ugly.

"Relax dumbass. You've just met her. There aint nothing good about her besides her daughter." I stated matter of factly. Seth brought out his dirty gym clothes and attempted to add them to my pile. I moved the basket and shook my head.

"Nothing good about her? Have you checked out that ass?" Seth asked and dramtically fell back on his bed. I shook my head.

"Dude...Ariane."I reminded him. Ariane and I arent dating yet but we're talking. We've gotten closer and I just love everything about her. I plan on taking things up a notch with her. You know, at the right time.

Seth shrugged and sprayed some cologne on. I coughed a lttle and moved away.

"F*ck out of here if your going to be doing all of that crap for some girl you just met!" I growled pushing him out the door.
"Yo, I'm leaving. Calm down." Seth said walking out. I slammed the door hard and locked it. I dont know what Seth's getting himself into, but that's all on him.

Ciara's POV

"Hold on I'm coming!" I dried my body from my shower. I lotioned up really good and slipped on some grey Capri sweats and a plain black T shirt.  I brushed my hair back into a high ponytail then reached into my suitcase and pulled out a pair of black ankle socks.

There was another knock on the door. It was probably Seth anyways.

"Hold on give me a minute." I mumbled. Not that he can hear me, but I'll be out there any minute now.

Avery layed on the bed fast asleep so as I moved around, I tried my hardest not to wake her. I pulled the blanket up on her then placed two pillows on each side of her so she wouldnt roll off the bed. I leaned down to kiss her forhead and smiled.

"Good night princess." I whispered. I closed the door halfway, incase I needed to come and check on her. I made my way into the living room portion of the hotel and to the door. I opened the door and smiled.

Seth was leaned up against the door frame and smiled once he saw me.

"Took you long enough." He said. I moved to the side letting him walk in.

I was about to tell him why it took me so long but stopped.

"Hey, I dont have to explain my self to you." I sassed back, in a joking way. Seth chuckled.

"Alright. Well.." he stopped and looked around before looking at me. "Lets get this party started."

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