Chapter 12

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This chapter isnt the best. But I wanted to give yall two in one week so enjoy

Today was the Monday after Fastlane. All the matches were successful, being that it was the first Fastlane PPV ever. Getting everything off of my chest last night felt great. Atleast I have im my corner.

I havent seen you know who since meeting him for the first time in a year. I knew he wasn't going to be in jail long.

In court a few weeks after Cj had passed, the judge saw this as an accident so Chris only got 10 months.

This morning I was meeting up with Nikki and Eva for a quick breakfast before heading to the arena. It's nice to finally have people to hang with.

I had on a black short sleeve baseball button up shirt and black leggings. I pulled on white socks and some grey suede ankle boots. I brushed my hair down. It wasnt as long as it looks, but it's a decent length.

I dressed Avery in a dress and some light pink shoes before I got dressed. She was probably wandering around in the bathroom, though I told her to stay on the bed.

"Babe, Im about to leave you." I called out. I didn't hear a response from her. I chuckled.

"Alright bye." I said pretending I was leaving. I crept up to the bathroom and she wasnt there. I smiled and flipped the shower curtains open.


Avery squealed and jumped. I swooped her up and stood her ontop of the bathroom sink area.

"You want a picture?" I asked. She nodded. I took two pictures of Avery and made one the wallpaper. I put her back on the floor and ushered her out of the bathroom. We left the hotel room, I locked the door. It was past 11:30 am.

Everyone was pretty slumped out after Fastlane, but the show moves on weather or not you're tired. That's the down part about it. I pushed the button for the elevator. It arrived within a minute and I stepped in.

I pursed my lips when I saw Roman. Avery cheered.

He was in running shorts and a work out tank. He was sweating a little through. I guess he came from the gym. His beats were on, plugged into his phone as he stood still, leaned against the wall, with his eyes closed.

I just wanted to get to the lobby without him noticing we were in here with him.

I pushed the botton for the lobby and kept my mouth shut.
Avery tapped Roman's knee, waiting for him to open his eyes. And he did.

He smiled down at her and picked her up. She pushed his beats off and hugged him.

"Ro!" She exclaimed. "Baby don't get your dress all sweaty." I said to Ava referring to the fact that Roman was sweaty. She paid me no mind.

We were at the 35th floor by now. Why did the WWE even book our rooms at the top.

There was an awkward silence in the Elevator. I dont even know how Ava took a liking to Roman.

"Ciara." Roman started. I let out an irritated sigh and attempted to ignore him but I turned around.

"Is there a problem?"

He huffed and nodded. "Yes it really is. Look, I was wrong about you in every way and I-."

It doesn't even matter." I replied

"Just please hear me out. I now know what happened between you and Chris, I swear didn't know shit about it before. You can stop all the hostility." Roman assured me. I widened my eyes and shifted uncomfortably.

I opened my mouth to say something but he cut me off.

"Can we at least talk before the show?" He pleaded with so much sincerity in his voice.

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