Chapter 1

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(George POV)

"Mom look how much wool I've gathered!" I happily yelled to my mother who's currently milking the cows on our little farm.

It was almost winter season, the strong chilly breeze making our human forms cold. My father and two of my younger siblings are out hunting for wild deer.

My mother and father are both alpha born as well as my younger siblings. The only one that's different was me, the eldest sibling, I was born an omega.

Mother and father were both surprised when I was born, but they didn't complain. Usually werewolves would kill their first born pup if it happened to be an omega.

"Oh good! The sheep really made a lot of wool this time." Mother replies, looking at the bunch of wool I'm holding.

"I know right?  See I told you guys we can put the other animals to good use." I said feeling proud of myself. Werewolves typically just hunt out prey and eat it, we never really adapted to a greater society, but luckily I was able to convince my family to start this we now called farming for backup supply especially during winter season. 

"Yeah yeah my smart little omega." Mom chuckles, as she finished milking the cows just in time as we heard a bunch of footsteps coming towards us.

Mother and I saw our siblings in their wolf forms dragging a dead deer, and father in wolf form staring at my mother and I.

"Welcome home dear." Mother said, walking up to father's wolf and giving him a  pat in the head. My father growled approvingly, before he shifted back to his human form, naked. But werewolves are already used to seeing each other naked and we are all family here which was fine. 

Father grabbed mother's waist before giving her a smooch. "Mamacita I miss you."

Mother smiled, "Ay senior you make my me flutter, what took you boys so long."

"Just a heard trying to fight back at us, luckily this one is our lucky catch." My father motioned his head to the lifeless dear that was now next to the wooden table outside the den.

"Ew, again with your lovey dovey in front of your kids?" Tommy exclaimed, as he appears behind me.

"Let them be Tom, their a mated pair." My twin brother Wilbur exclaimed, as he shifted back to his human form.

"It's not that bad when you get used to it Tommy." Tubbo agreed, shifting back as well. Tubbo was a year older than Tommy, and me and Wilbur are both twins except I was the first one to be out in my mother's womb.

All of us chuckles at Tommy's complaint, "Son you have a lot to learn." Father said, as he steps away from mother taking the shorts made out of wool skin off the ground next to the bench and putting them on, followed by my brothers.

I went to place the wool I'm still holding on the bench, mother passing Tommy the buckets of milk. I proceeded to help mother with slicing the deer into parts while my brothers got ready for some firewood.

It was starting to get darker as the winter breeze got colder. All of us now gathered next to the fire pit. A loud howl can be heard in the distance, as me and my family eat our dinner silently.

"Its him again." My father grumbled, not happy of that timber wolf roaming around our pack borders.

There's been a word lately from other packs that a timber wolf have been roaming around their territories, a deviant wolf who seeks to bring trouble on other packs.

It's been said that he's killed more than a dozen werewolf packs in other lands. Roaming through forests, one pack after another, killing them like the deviant rogue he is, sparring some of them in exchange for something. He's recently took over one of the neighboring packs, claiming their territory as his.

It's been rumored that he's held dozens of omegas before, trying to force breed them to produce pups but none would last due to his dark ways. Nobody knows how he treats them as being help by their own will. Its like he won't stop until he'd wipe out every werewolves out there. He's vicious and merciless.

"Why would he come at us like this father?" Tommy asked, a little frightened as we heard another howl on the distance.

"He's got the guts to come into the northern woodland territory not gonna lie." Father said, an annoyed expression in his face. My brothers Wilbur, Tubbo and Tommy looked at each other.

"Should we try and attack him?" Tubbo suggested. 

"Yeah! Bring it on!  We'll rip him to pieces." Tommy exclaimed.

Wilbur sighed, he knows we can't just do that and as well as they aren't ready for a fight like that. "The deviant alpha is not something we can take head on brothers, he's stronger than you think he is."

"We don't really know for sure if the rumors' of him being the devil himself is true, he could just have been trained well." Tubbo suggested.

"Don't you think that's just dumb for the gods to banish a devil into the homes of her beloved werewolves who worship them?" I commented, earning a nod from my twin Wilbur.

"In any case, we can still kill him if we put our strengths together." Tommy grumbles.

"Sons, no one is going after the deviant alpha. We are artic wolves, we are smaller than timber wolves that lives on the south of the oak forests." My mother spoke, looking at my brothers worriedly.

"You're mother is right. As long as he's outside our borders we wont use any act of violence. We need to be cautious now not to cross his new territory as well." Father said sternly.

"You mean stolen territory! That land he took isn't even his before." Tommy frowned.

"Yes I know son,  but it's best we stay in our borders for now. Do you understand?" Father said with a serious look on his face. 

"Wait so father, we can't go hunt pass our border? Then what if a bunch of deer decided to run pass out the border?" Wilbur asked.

"Then we will let that deer leave as long as no one crosses the territory for now, especially you George." My father said as he turned his vision to me. "I know how much you like to find herbs and stuff but for now its best you stay away from pack borders and as much as possible just be with your mother."

"But father I can defend myself." I tried to protest, sure being an omega means your smaller than the alpha's but I can run fast.

"No son, you are an omega. You're the only omega in our family, and if he gets you then gods know what will happen to you." He said, my father did have a point. The deviant alpha is known for his cruelty over omegas, and a male omega like me is no exception.

Both male and female omegas can produce pups, given that male omegas also have a uterus and an opening next to their anus called a cloacal flap, which enables alphas to knot inside them, giving them the needed specimen to create pups.

A male omega can also go into heat, which will trigger alphas to go into rut afterwards, given if they have marked the omega. I haven't really gotten my heat yet due to the herbal medicine my mother always makes me to stop my heat from coming every few months, and its good that I'm taking it because of how my family is full with alphas.

I wondered how did the deviant alpha even manage to kill all his captured omegas, given that there could be a possibility he marked them. Whenever an alpha marks their omega, they would feel their emotions as well as their well being through the bond. So why has none of his omega's turned him depressed one's he killed them. Unless he just forced breed them and never marked them, could that be why he never gained any pups?

My thoughts suddenly clouded my mind, forgetting that my father was still there talking to me about how I couldn't cross over the border.

"George? George!  Are you listening to me of no?" My father exclaimed, he looked at me kind of pissed for not listening.

"I'm sorry father and yes I will not cross pack territory I promise." I replied to him as he gave out a sigh and nods at me in response.

We continued talking about the deviant alpha, until it became to just talking about life and all sorts of things, just like every dinner we had, before we decided on resting in the den with our human forms shifted into wolves, cuddling each other to provide warmth as well went to sleep.

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