Chapter 33

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Dream laughed as Tommy foretold stories about their childhood, one where he accidentally slipped on ice and fell unto the freezing watering hole where his father had to rescue him from drowning. He was a child back then, tagging along with his brothers and father on the hunt for food.

"You should have seen the look on his face when he shifted, oh it was hilarious." George exclaimed, as he explains how he looked like a walking corpse due to the intense cold and how his mother had to surround him with burning wood just to immense enough heat for his temperature to go back up.

"Dumb..." Wilbur replied, smirking as he rested his back on a tree, his eyes closed as he listens towards his brother's babble.

"It wouldn't have happened if someone warned me to not jump around while on top of ice." Tommy sneered, looking at the direction to where Wilbur rested.

"Oh come on now Tommy he must have told you to be careful." Dream stated as Tommy rolled his eyes scoffing in a kid like manner.

"Shut up blonde man." He said, sooner realizing his actions as George and Wilbur burst into laughing.

"Yeah that's right shut up 'blonde man' ey Tommy?" Wilbur exclaimed, pointing out at how Tommy also had a blonde hair.

"Oh Tommy, I guess it's my turn to say, 'You fucked up'," George giggled, earning a scoff at the younger who tries to redeem himself while Dream joined in at the two brother's laughter.

Soon they ended up sleeping around the fire, George laying beside his mate's wolf as he remained in human form cuddling on Dream's paw.

Wilbur decided to sleep near the same tree he leaned on, while Tommy shifted as well and slept near him.

Their journey continued as the sun rises up to the skies, stopping for a quick feast or when they encountered a water source to drink. Making their way north as the breeze slowly became colder.

Soon they reached the border between north and southern west, glancing at the white snow as the spruce trees spread far and wide. After a few days of stops and running, they have finally reached north, back to the woodlands where the three's family reside.

Dream couldn't help but feel nervous as the closer they get to his mates old pack. Uncertainty arises everytime he thinks about the possibilities that might happen. A gut feeling as if there is something bothering him.

George's wolf suddenly ran next to him, nuzzling himself on Dream as if he understood the Alpha's nervousness.

Dream felt relieved, knowing that George is there for him. His mate supporting him in every way as they continued to run, catching up at the two brothers.

A familiar place was seen before their eyes, as they have finally reached their pack border. Wilbur howling as to signal their return, hearing a loud thunderous howl as they sprinted pass a few trees, knowing their father has approved of their entry.

George running at his fullest speed as he passes over his mate and two brother, running towards the direction to their home going as fast as he could until he sees a figure waiting for them near the den.

"George!" His mother exclaimed, as the omega couldn't help but leap towards his parents, shifting as he gave them a big hug.

"Mom, I missed you so much." George sobs out as he couldn't held back his tears glancing at his mother and father who's face just shows how much they missed him too.

Wilbur and Tommy soon followed, their wolves standing in front of their parents as their father looks at them with pride for accomplishing their task to find George.

Dream stood there a few feet behind their pack, watching as he saw his mate still naked. He immediately barked at his mate, taking George's attention as he signals him to pick up his clothes.

George's parents were now fully aware of him, as they watched their son walked towards the Alpha, taking the little basket as he reaches for his clothes. He puts them on as he left Dream's his inside while he strolled forward to his other siblings, tossing them their clothes.

Immediately, Tommy and Wilbur shifted, dressing up as they move next to their parents, his father who's eyes kept on the black wolf that stood before them.

Dream could already tell that he was unwelcomed, seeing that George's father had the same expression the brunette's twin gave him.

"Shift young man, it is rude not to when your in front of someone else's pack." George's mother commands.

Immediately shifting as he picks up his clothes and putting them on before the omega takes his shoulder as they both started walking near George's parents.

"Mother, Father this is Dream... My mate." George introduced him, immediately getting tensed as the Alpha female starred at him in the eyes.

"Oh gosh George, you're back!" Just then someone shouted coming from the back of the den holding out a bucket.

Everyone looked towards the direction to where the voice came from, where Tubbo stands as he quickly sprinted towards his older brother. "Tubbo!" George exclaimed, giving his brother a hug.

"Uh Tubbo now is not the time-" Tommy whispered yelled as soon the boy realized what was happening.

"Oh right, sorry mother and father and brothers." He said, breaking their hug as he sees Dream standing next to George. "Hey! You're the guy who attacked us a few months ago-"

"Tubbo, not now." George coughed, trying not to start that conversation.

"But it's true George, and he took you away-" Tubbo protested.

"Tubbo! Not right now!" Tommy butted in, as he breaks of the tension by saying two word that his mother always hate for him to curse in front of the family. "Moon goddess."

His mother gasped, quickly walking towards Tommy as she smacked his son's head. "I told you not to curse that name!" His mother screamed. "For goodness sakes Tommy you never understood."

Way to go Big man now a cliff hanger-

Hehe :)

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