Who Am I

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Author pov:

So I was thinking how to tell them about the real me so here I am thinking about it again

Flashback 10 years old

I was 10 years old when I started to feel that someone is with me all the time and tomorrow was my 11th birthday and I was sleeping and suddenly I found my self around a big white room and some fog then a ray of light come in my way and i block it with my hand when I adjusted to the light. I see their was very beautiful women and handsome man staring me a and they call my name at first I was confuse where am i and who are they people and she say that do I feel that someone is around me all the time and I nodded and then she told me she was moon goddess and her husband God of thunder and to more surprises they say that they are my parents and i can't believe that then I ask whom I call my appa and emmoa who are they and they tell that they were chosen to be my human guardian and through i came to this human world and she say that as I was the daughter of God of destruction and goddesse of creation and I will have both their power and will become the human and some other crature protector as first I thaught it was a fancy dream but it was not and i accepted my fate. Then she told me she would have me training and till I reach at the age of 18 I would master my all power. She also told me about that I have to protect warewolfs
I was happy because I know personally known three wolfs

She told me that my rank on both world would be superior and everyone would Bow infront of me.

And I was destination with mates and soulmates they can be from either world and I have to find them and my powers will become more powerful.

Flashback ends.


Since the age of 11 i started my training and with that I completed my studies and co-curricular,sports,drama, languages, self-defense. I also study in detail about wolfs and knew everything and every part of it.

And I also told about my parents and they also supported me and they cry because they were chosen to be my parents and they fell proud of it.

And I also can communicate to my mom and dad through mind link and usually they give me advice if i an struck to anything and help me out of it.

So yah this is my story and as you know I am not a simple human.

And my rank is Royal pheonix 

And now I am getting tired so i am going to sleep.

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💜💜💜I purple you 💜💜💜

And happy birthday WWH

And happy birthday WWH

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And I am ot7

For me 7-1=0

Bye bye 👋🏻👋🏻

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