My New Friend

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Doink! Bounce! Bounce!

The sun sizzled the city with it's heating rays, a canvas of blue and white high in the air to display to the whole world.

Bounce... Bounce... Patter! Patter! Patter! Patter!

A park was empty despite summer break had started two days ago. There were swings that swayed slowly and softly while the plastic and metal slides heated up.

Grass were fairly hydrated while a few critters flew down or hopped across the ground in search of something to munch on.

Boing! Dink!

The animals looked over to the ongoing noises and towards a concrete canvas. Built on top of it were six basketball rims, four of them were around seven to eight feet tall while two of them were ten.

And on the court, the animals were watching a young boy who wore a shamrock colored shirt along with black shorts and shoes. He had just missed an easy layup and chased after the ball, he takes his sweet time as he dribbled around with it.

"Why do I always miss?" The h/c asked, whipping his hair from his eyes while rubbing the sweat from his cheeks and forehead from the almost-afternoon day.

If you couldn't tell...


The boy was not very good at basketball.

Even so, he had a really passionate thing for this sport. He watches basketball, he plays basketball, he breathes for basketball, if anything could represent itself as "over obsessed basketball fan slash player", he'd be the icon for it.


Despite always missing his shots, he wasn't a bad athlete on paper.


If you took the time to observe him in person, you could see that he had really fast yet controlling arms and hands...


And exceptionally strong legs as he jumped up eight feet in the air and punches the stuck ball from the rim.


The pigskin flies from his hit, it flies in the air as Y/n lands majestically and walked towards where it intended on landing.

Bounce! Bounce! Roll...

Slowly, the ball starts to lessen it's bouncing height and starts to roll away. Y/n sighed loudly and continues to walk after the basketball that was rolling to the other side of the court.


Finally it stops by someone's foot. A basketball sneaker as Y/n traces his eyes up the leg and finds another eleven year old kid.

It was a girl. She picks up the ball from the ground as the first few thing that caught the boy's attention was the cheery smile she displayed and the bow that matched his shirt, twitching playfully.


"...Hello..." The lonesome musters up a soft answer, still fixated on her as he observed her clothing.

It really wasn't as complicated as his own clothing, just a pair of jeans shorts and a white t-shirt as well, wearing sneakers that matched and looking back at the bow that tied neatly in her hair.

"I like your shirt!" She smiles more and snapping his thoughts in half.


Yotsuba Nakano x Basketball Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now