Do You Remember

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Yotsuba... in my high school...

As of now, Y/n was at a disbelief.

Yotsuba is here...

His best friend... is here...

He could not believe it.

His best friend for five years was in this school, in his class, standing in the front as she had that beautiful smile on her face. The e/c eyes still fixed on her, such beauty as she takes her seat that was a few seats from him while continuing to stare at her.

She's so hot... It's been too long since I've seen her...

"Someone has a crush on the girl~..." someone interrupts his staring session as he shakes himself and turns his head around the room. "Who?! She's not going to be taken by some random boy!"

His voice was soft, aware of the situation in hand as a figure in front of him gave him an "Are you serious?" expression.

"...You're fricking dense, man..."

"Huh?" He turns to his friend who facepalms himself. "I'm talking about you!" Noodle nearly shouts in his face and making the h/c blush red.

He looked over at Yotsuba sitting a few seats from him, his chin rested on his hand as he smiles softly. "I mean... You're not wrong..." he continues his stare.


A slap to the head helped him from his loving daze as he finds Noodle who frowned at him. "You idiot! I thought you were in love with your childhood friend!"

Y/n snarls softly at him. "Yotsuba IS my childhood friend!"


"Yotsuba Nakano! Same age as me, plays basketball, has four more sisters that look identical to her, and is my childhood friend!"

Noodle was confused. He points at the girl from across and then at Y/n. "What... de... you... She is?!"

"Yes! That's the same girl I always talked about with you since we got on the team our first-"



"Oi! Pay attention!" A rolled up book hits them in the head, each rubbed the bruised spot as they find their teacher who stared daggers at them. "Sorry, teacher..." they said in unison before the teacher goes back to teaching and the two players back to learning.

Unknowing to the two, a girl giggled softly at their antics, to one especially as her ocean blue eyes watched the boy try his best to focus on his work.


Even though Y/n and Yotsuba were best friends, Y/n had a hard time trying to talk to the redhead in his class.

But what do you mean? They're best friends so they should see each other and catch up, right?

Well, the h/c's attempt to approach her were limited.

An example would be when the boy tried to talk to her as soon as break started, getting up from his seat and walking over to the girl right away. "Yotsu-"

"Hey, Nakano-san!" A girl would get in his way, followed by an immediate wave of his classmates crowding to her with large smiles on their faces.

"Which school did you go to before?"

"I love your green bow!"

"Will you please go out with me?! Please?!"

Y/n tries to get through the crowd of students but could not find an opening. He huffs his cheeks out but calms down. "I'll just try to talk to her during lunch... Maybe that'll be the perfect time..." he mutters softly before heading out of the class to let her best friend to get to know her classmates for a bit.

Yotsuba Nakano x Basketball Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now