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"We're eating at uncle Blitz's tonight?" I questioned inside of the hotel room while me and Monty watched our mom messing with her hair.
Magna was in the shower and Asta decided to go to his dads to share the news with his parents, and of course, Sin was going to be with him.

"Yes, you two didn't exactly get to know your uncle and his children yesterday, with all the drama and all." Our mom said turning to us as Monty laid on the bed watching her.
"You mean we have to socialize with the man and his wife who were practically shamming you for being with dad?" He asked her.
She frowned at him.
"Your uncle is just real.. Protective Monty, he's never liked your dad." She said.

I took a seat in the chair looking at her.
"Do you like dad?" I asked her.
She frowned looking at me and she was real hesitant on answering.
"That is what this break is for, its so I can decide if I can make myself go back to your dad or not. I can't live with the secrets anymore, or how he treats you both." She looked at me frowning softly.

"Baby, I can see how Magna looks at you, and I'm sorry for being that person from before. I shouldn't have told you to forget how you felt about him, and how you were going to be with that alpha. I was the one in the wrong, I let that image of our family take over and I only thought about what your dad would want. I never thought about your own happiness, until you showed up with Magna that night and you were prepared for anything. You're obviously happy with him, and that's what I want." She smiled softly looking at me then at Monty.
"For both of you, if you want to be with a vampire Monty, I won't get in your way. I just want my children happy and healthy." She told us.

I smiled softly looking at her.
But my eyes fell on the bathroom door that opened and Magna stepped out, his eyes already on me before he was looking at my mom and brother.

"Are we ready?" He asked.
I smiled softly getting to my feet walking over to him and it was obvious, he heard everything my mom had said because his expression was soft looking at me.
I looked over my shoulder to my mom who nodded.
"Let's get going then." She said.

Our uncle's house was right down the road from the hotel so we just agreed to walk there instead of wasting gas by driving.
There was another car at the house and that made me a bit more nervous.
I looked to our mom from the backseat and she seemed just as unsure.
Before she was sighing and getting out of the car.
The three of us followed the other into our uncles house.

"It smells awesome in here." Monty was quick to compliment the smell inside the house, you could smell garlic and different seasonings as well as fresh meat that had been grilled.
It was making my stomach growl before my eyes were on Magna.

"Can you eat things with garlic involved?" I asked him.
He blinked before he smiled softly.
"Of course, that's a wise tale, vampires can eat just about anything our stomachs will let us." He told me.
I blinked before smiling softly.
"I see, that's good to know then." I smiled before stopping at the sight of this teenage boy standing near the entrance to the kitchen.

His hazel eyes were locked right on us for a solid minute before he blinked and walked back into the kitchen.
I looked to our mom hoping for an introduction, but she seemed just as unsure about who that kid was.

We walked into the dinning room where our uncle Blitz was already at and talking to the teenager from before, but there was a girl glued to his side before she was looking over her shoulder at us.
Her blue eyes were almost as piercing as our uncles were.
I suddenly understood.
These two were his kids.

"For some reason, I felt like you were the type to run late for dinners." Blitz commented looking at my mom.
Our mom frowned at him.
"No, we tend to show up quite early when it comes to invitations Blitz, and I want my children to get to know their uncle a bit more." She told him.
Blitz blinked before his expression softened and he smirked looking at me and Monty.
"Not much to know about me, I've lived in Moon Rose with your aunt here for about... Sixteen years?" He glanced to the blond who was practically hiding behind the brunette now.
Blitz watched them before looking back at us.
"We keep to ourselves and we don't bother anyone." He shrugged.

I nibbled my lip fixing to speak but the sound of laughing caught me off guard.
My eyes fell to where the kitchen was.
Our aunt walked out with this man following behind her, and by the look on our moms face.
She knew who he was immediately.

He was tall, buff and handsome.
He wore a black shirt that made his green eyes pop, his black hair was slicked back and he was in dark blue jeans.
Smiling at my aunt until his eyes fell on my mom.
And everything went still.

It was like the two were trapped in the moment taking each other in, as if they were long lost lovers.
I felt Magna's fingers lacing with mine while he kept his eyes on my mom.
Who looked stunned seeing the other man standing there.

"Bane Silver?" She questioned.
The black haired man gave her this soft smile stepping forward, but cautiously so he wouldn't cause her to step back.
"Hello, Laurie, it's been years and you still look as beautiful as ever." He told her.
Was he seriously flirting with our mom in front of us?

"Are you really flirting with our mom in front of us?" Monty asked the man who looked at us before his eyes grew wide looking back at our mom.
She smiled softly.
"These are-"
"My boys." Our mom told Bane who blinked taking the two of us in now before he smiled.

"Wow, they definitely look like you, especially the one with his hand laced with that vampires." He commented as I blinked looking up at Magna who was watching the other.
Our mom smiled softly at Bane.

"Right, kids this is Bane Silver... An old friend of mine, Bane. This is Monty and Moxie." She introduced us as Bane looked at us before he smiled.
"No." Our mom laughed softly.
"Monty is eighteen and Moxie is sixteen." She explained.

Bane blinked but he smiled with a nod.
"I see, so you had two kids?"
"Six." She corrected and his eyes grew wide looking around.
"Six? Where are the other four?" He asked her.
She frowned and so did he.
"Sensitive subject?" He questioned and she crossed her arms with a nod.
"We can talk about it later, I'm guessing my brother invited you tonight?" Our  mom asked him changing the subject.

Bane smiled at her.
"He may have, he called me this morning telling me that a certain childhood friend of mine was actually visiting, I wasn't about to pass up seeing you Laurie, I've missed you." He told her.
She looked taken back but smiled at him.
"I've missed you too, Bane." She told him.

"The grilled chicken spaghetti tastes amazing, Ivy." Bane complimented later that night at the table.
Our aunt looked up from her plate and she smiled at him.
"Thank you, Bane." Her eyes fell on Magna.

"I didn't add too much garlic did I?" She questioned.
Magna looked up from his plate.
"No, it tastes fine, thank you for asking." He smiled glancing to me.
My aunt smiled in response, before her eyes fell on my mom.

"How long did you say you were staying in Moon Rose, Laurie?" She asked her.
Our mom blinked looking away from Bane before looking at our aunt.
"We're going to return in two days, I'm hoping it gives Ace enough time to find a way to correct himself while the four of us visit." She said.
Our aunt was quiet.
She looked to our uncle who was frowning at our mom.

"There's no rush for you to go home Laurie, you told us your oldest is twenty eight-"
"I'm not going to have Mistral take care of his other siblings so I can have a break Blitz, two days is enough and if Ace is still his usual self. I'll see about getting a place for me and my two boys." She told him.

Bane looked to her.
"I don't want to overstep but you are more than welcome to stay at my house Laurie, there's plenty of rooms and its spacious." He told her.
Her brows knitted looking at him.
"That's generous of you Bane, but I can't just drop everything. I have children in Crossroads.." She looked away before standing up from the table.

"Mom?" I looked up at her concerned.
She looked down at me and Monty.
"I'm sorry, I just need a minute." She said stepping out of the room.

We sat there in silence before my eyes fell on Bane who stood up minutes later, he looked at my aunt and uncle then at us.
"I'm going to go check on your sister and mom, thank you for the meal Ivy, it was great." He told her stepping out of the room next.


I wasn't sure how far I walked away from his house, but my legs kept moving until I was standing in the beach's sand.
My eyes locked on the moon with so many questions, so many thoughts racing through my head as the cool breeze bit at my bare shoulders as I stood there.
I loved Ace.
I knew I did.
Everything is falling apart.
I knew deep down he would never change.
I knew my three youngest would never be truly happy in that house.

"Laurie?" I let out a startled gasp turning around to find Bane there, this concerned look on his face as he stood from a distance watching me.
"I thought you were just going to step outside the house, not go for an actual walk." He laughed as I frowned at him.
"Why did you follow me, Bane?" I asked him.
"Because I had a hunch you would disappear again if I didn't chase after you." He told me and my heart began to race standing there.

"I don't hold that against you anymore, Bane." I told him.
He looked at me.
"Why wouldn't you? I ruined everything, hell, I practically gift wrapped you to Ace." He frowned deeply.
My arms crossed looking at him.
"You had plans I wasn't wanting to follow, back then I was naive and young. I wanted money and I wanted the attention my parents never gave me. So I chose to go with Ace despite how much I still loved you Bane." I frowned looking at him.

"Part of me still loves you and if things weren't so complicated, I'd choose you if I could." I told him.
Bane walked up to me.
"What's so complicated that you'll choose unhappiness over something that could bring that life back in your eyes?" He asked me.
I looked at him confused.
"Bring life back into my eyes?" I repeated.
Bane watched me before he carefully caressed my cheek looking into my eyes.
"Yes, where you were that bubbly girl who laughed over the dumbest things, or where you chose to dance in the rain and would ruin your new dress you just bought." He told me.

I frowned at him.
"What makes you think I'm still not that girl just dressed underneath real fancy clothes?" I asked him.
He smiled softly.
"You wouldn't have to dress up for me Laurie, you could walk around our house in just sweat pants and a t-shirt if that's what you wanted. Don't want to cook? That's fine, I will or we'll order take out. I would never want you stressed and put pressure on you to be someone you shouldn't, I've seen those pictures on the internet. I've watched your interviews, and you are not happy." He told me looking at me this time with sadness in his own eyes.

"I just want to see you happy again, to be you again. When I saw you earlier tonight, it killed me from how skinny you've gotten. You shouldn't look this way after six kids? You should look more.. Healthy, Laurie." He frowned softly.

I stood there and my brows knitted.
"You were always honest with me, Bane." I told him.
He smiled softly as he hand dropped from my face to my hand as he took it.
"Where do you think your son got it from?" He asked me.
It scared me.
But I smiled softly.
"He's always been honest, I just thought he picked it up from his other siblings, but I guess that isn't the case." I sighed looking up at him.
Bane looked down at me smiling.

"You lied to me that day at the hospital Laurie, when we were both there waiting for you to come out with the results. You told me that Ace was the father." He said.
I looked at him.
"Sixteen years ago we had that nasty fight and you were there for me, I used you and being married to Ace.. I had to lie, I was terrified he would of made me abort him." I frowned.
He squeezed my hand.
"But he didn't, for sixteen years I had to pretend I didn't have a son, an omega as beautiful as his mother." He smiled and I could see his eyes glistening with tears.

"I just want to hear you say it, say the words you didn't say to me sixteen years ago." He told me.
My heart was in my throat, but there was this comforting relief standing there with him.

"Moxie is your son."

A Vampires Omega (BOOK ONE)Where stories live. Discover now