chapter 38

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Third person pov

Both got shocked when they heard rose's cold voice.they look behind saw rose with a gun in her hand.she looks like she will kill someone right now.

"I asked you a fucking question". Rose screamed and they both flinched.y/n  was barely breathing." no rose you can't do literary abused my sister and you killed two think you can't get away that easily?i gonna sue you for this."taeyeon shout at her.rose just stood there.then later she smirked point her gun at taeyeon.y/n widened her eyes in horror.

"You know what right now killing you is the best option.after that no one can get my y/n from me." rose darkly told him.taeyeon was sweating hard.he can't lose this battle."rose no please don't shoot oppa.let him go.i will follow your orders from now on.just don't kill him please.i beg you".y/n kneel on the ground begging at her.rose amused at her."what a drama.seeing you cry makes me really turned on somehow."taeyeon was clearly disgusted at this.he can't control his anger and stormed towards her ready to beats her.he punched her hard on her jaw."you son of a bitch how dare you".taeyeon was punching her non-stop.suddenly they heard a gun shot.

It was taeyoen.he holds her stomach.the pain was too much.he saw rose looking at him no expression.he collapse on the ground.y/n screamed and runs to her oppa.blood was everywhere."oppa oppa please no don't die please."y/n cried out hysterically.taeyeon just smiled while caressing her sister face last time."oppa is need to get out of here."Taeyeon finally took his last breath and dies.y/n feels like her life is over.her oppa died in front of her eyes.worst he killed by her monster wife who just stood there.y/n cried out soo hard.

"Come on y/n he is dead let's go to our room." y/n gets triggered and slaps her face so hard that made her almost fall.she held her face feeling the burning pain."our room?bullshit mrs.roseanne killed my think i will forgive you for this?i wish you just died painfully.i hate you so hear me I HATE YOU SOO MUCH."y/n screamed at top of her lungs and runs off.

Rose can't believe what just happened.she quickly grab her phone to call someone.

"Listen y/n just runs off.makes sure she can't escaped.after caught her bring her to me."

Sorry guys can't update earlier cz my exam studies😐😑

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