You wake up at 9:32 a.m and take a shower. After you got a shower u put on some clothes and get ready for a nice day streaming Minecraft.
/Your Outfit/
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(You're a softie)
Since u got ready, you decide to start streaming.
"Hey!! Welcome back to another disaster stream 😏" Y/n says with a smirk.
"Today we are gonna play Minecraft, and eat my food while I join my serve-" Y/n said while getting cut off by a robotic voice.
'Quackityhq donated 3.00' "If you can MLG with a water bucket from a mountain, then I'll donate 20$."
As the robotic voice speaks, the chat goes wild with User82760928:'Quackity?!?!! Omg!! Pickmequackityimaloser:Really? She's gonna fail. LMAO. USER928:Go! Go! Go! Go! U can do this!
"Quackity?" "Who is that?" Y/n whispers under her breath.
"O-okay, I'll try!" Y/n hesitates.
Y/n begins to climb a mountain and makes a water bucket. Y/n clutches it first try.
"Woohoo!! I did it! Now, where's my money 🤨" Y/n said jokingly.
'Quackityhq donated 20.00' "Here, lol"
"Why thank you 😎" Y/n said giggling.
After a few hours of playing Minecraft, Y/n got tired.
"Okay chat, I'm getting tired I think I'm gonna end the stream, Byeeeeee"
After Y/n ended the stream, she got a notification.
'Quackity followed you'
"Oh yeah, I might as well see who he is," Y/n said.
Y/n checked his social media and looked at pictures of him.
"..He's kinda hot," Y/n said slapping herself.
"No, he's not hot. I literally just saw him online.." Y/n said.
|Y/n POV|
Honestly, all I wanna do rn is just stay in a warm blanket.
So I'm gonna.
You snuggled into a warm pink blanket and started to read a book.
So y/n decided to follow Quackity back.
"Who's that?" Y/n said annoyed.
You check your phone, quackity texted you.
[ Quackity]
| -Heyy Hello?-| |-Its Alex :) oh, hi quackity-| |-no, just call me Alex lol. oh okay-| |-Wanna be friends :D:D? sure!-|