𝐋𝐀||𝟏𝟐:𝟑𝟒𝐩𝐦I was spending the night with Jayda bored as a mf
"Son you got snacks" I asked
"we don't got shit in here"
"I'm about to go home" I grabbed my bag
"Ight yo lil yeah coming over anyway"
I put my bag down and got on the pole
"you don't know what your doing"
"I don't, Ight look"
I took off my hoodie
I got up on the pole and started doing tricks
"Be a stripper" Jayda laughed
"Maybe we'll see where life takes me"
"Ugh Emanéé gotta bring that treesh she do to much"
"She stay staring that bitch gots to go on somewhere"
"he always gotta bring her"
"Come on it ain't go be that bad"
"She keep talking out of her neck it is going to be that bad"
Emanéé walked in with Tkay and treasure
"Wassup des" Tkay said
I waved And smiled
"You all shy" Jayda laughed
"You are too" I laughed
"Damn right I am"
Treasure looked at us like we where dumb
"You good?" Emanéé asked his girl
She shook her head yes
Not even 3 minutes later t walked in with this fine ass Nigga
C'mere bring that dick here👀