Chapter 1

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Jethro slipped silently down the hall, his senses on full alert. Somewhere in one of the rooms ahead of him, was his target. Behind him he could sense Blazer and Dom move into the hall, ready to spring into action at his command.

Despite their heavy armor, the clone commandos were able to move as stealthily as Mistral Assassins.

Jethro held up his hand to sign for the stop of the party's progress. He could sense the target ahead. It was nervous, that much was clear, but other than that he couldn't seem to get much more of a reading on its state.

He risked the sound of his own voice.

"He's just ahead, and he's on edge, so be prepared for anything."

Blazer and Dom nodded in silent acknowledgement before continuing to follow him down the hall.

Jethro paused at a door and reached out. The target's nervousness was like a beacon, screaming out at him.

He nodded at the door, and the two commandos took up position to either side.

Channeling the strength of the force, he threw the door from its frames and sent it flying into the room.

The occupants were caught off-guard by the sudden intrusion. It was all the time Jethro and his team needed.

Igniting his lightsaber and rushing into the room, Jethro capitalized on their momentary confusion and incapacitated the first two of the armed men.

A swift stroke of his saber sliced their weapons in half, and a force boosted fist to the jaw dropped the first. The second was dispatched by an elbow to the back of the neck before he could react.

The four other men in the room were quick to regroup and quickly had their blasters out and tracking him. They never got the chance to use them.

Blazer and Dom had breached the door and in two shots each, had the last of the armed resistance dead on the floor. All that was left was their target, cowering behind a reclining couch.

"Blazer, tell Leadfoot to be ready."

Blazer keyed up Leadfoot on his comm.

"Leadfoot, we have the doctor in custody. Be ready for extraction."

Dom planted a small charge on the floor to ceiling window that looked out over the Corvega skyline while Jethro put a pair of binders on the doctor and hauled him to his feet.

"Hey boss," Blazer spoke up, "I'm picking up several heat sigs moving up the stairwell."

"It's a good thing we aren't using the stairs then," Jethro smiled.


Dom didn't say anything in reply. He just activated the charge, shattering the window and sending the broken shards of glass raining down on the street, over one-hundred stories below them.

Jethro guided the doctor to the hole where the window used to be, the terrified doctor struggling the whole way. Then he shoved him out, the doctor's terrified screams filling the night before stopping suddenly.

Leadfoot, behind the controls of a 'borrowed' airspeeder, rose into sight outside of the broken window. Behind him, the doctor lay in a trembling heap in the back seat.

"Heard you needed a lift."

The sounds of heavy footfalls could be heard coming from the hall now.

"Perfect timing."

Jethro climbed in the front next to Leadfoot while Blazer and Dom piled in on either side of the doctor in the backseat.

"Get us out of here," Jethro said, stretching out in his seat and settling in for the ride to the spaceport. "Dom, you got our distraction?"

Dom pressed a button on his wrist pad and behind them several explosions issued from the room they had just left, spurting flame from shattered windows in several rooms to either side.

"Beautiful, isn't it?" Blazer said.

"Beautiful?" Jethro cried. "You were supposed to take out the pursuit team, not half the floor!"

"What's the big deal?"

"The big deal is that it was an apartment building. There were people in there!"

"Come on," Blazer put in, "lighten up. It's another mission all sealed up."

"The mission will be sealed up when we deliver the asset back to Coruscant." Dom said, none of Blazer's joy in his voice.

"While I agree with you," this time it was Leadfoot's turn to interject his thoughts, " I agree with Blazer. What could go wrong at this point?"

"That, for one," Dom said, pointing ahead of them.

Several Corvega police speeders were gunning straight for them.

"Buckle up boys," Jethro said. "Things are about to get interesting."

Behind him he could hear weapons being prepped, and he readied himself, drawing his lightsaber to deflect any fire.

Before anyone could react, the lead police craft disappeared into a raging fireball that plummeted to the ground. The rest of the craft broke off, scrambling for some kind of protection from the mysterious attacker.

Jethro heard his com crackle to life as a heavily modified CR-1030 Civilian shuttle came swooping out of the clouds.

"Thought maybe you guys could use a pick up!"

"Damn you Corsair, you were supposed to wait for us at the space port."

"I got bored, and it looks like it was a good thing too. Those police types can be a little too trigger happy for my taste."

"They're trigger happy?" Jethro asked. "You toasted one without provocation."

The boarding ramp extended from the side of the shuttle.

"We can talk about it later. Just get on board so we can get out of here."

Leadfoot piloted the airspeeder close to the ramp and held it steady while everyone climbed carefully from the speeder to their ship, Dom slinging the Doctor over his shoulder as he disembarked.

Leadfoot locked the speeder controls and followed everyone else.

Inside the shuttle, Dom locked the doctor into a seat then started checking over his weapon as if to be ready for trouble.

"Oh come on." Blazer said. "We're on the ship. Don't tell me you can't relax yet."

"I'll relax when we're in hyperspace."

Jethro felt the tiniest of shudders in the ship's engines.

"Well, you can relax now," he said. "We just made the jump."

Blazer and Leadfoot already had their helmets off and were breaking down their weapons.

Dom just shook his head before removing his helmet and moving to sit next to the doctor.

"Alright everyone. Good work," Jethro addressed the room. "Another mission all but done. Once we deliver him to Coruscant everything will be all wrapped up. Maybe this time we'll get some leave."

Everyone laughed. Even Dom chuckled.

"Well," he said, "wistful thinking."

(Alright! Here we go. Please remember to vote and comment, it really does help others find the story and I will try and respond to each comment. 😁 P.S. If you find any grammar errors, please point them out to me, I will try to fix them)

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