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What ? Are you serious !!!!!!!!

"We are going to perform at last ? But we didn't even know that they will air the performance or not ? " Asked jin !

" Really ! ! " Aahh ! !"

" Calm down guys no worries atleast we'll get to perform in front of our bells ..! Let's do it..! " Said namjoon

Jungkook don't be nervous everything is going to be alright ! !

20 mins. Before performance

When they were going to get ready everyone was there except Shruti .... Then V asked to staff about it but no one knew it , and then suddenly he heard loud voice and went straight there and saw her arguing with someone !

"Wait what ? Why ? There are no rooms for members ? "
"What do you guys think you are ? First you made them perform last now no seperate room for them ...! Ass$$_$$&0/_ ! "" Asked Shruti (manager) to the other staff ...!

"Mind your language you fucking rude girl ! ! " Said staff

" Mind your language?? Me ?? Then pls throw away yourself and this fucking show I swear I'll show you ~~~


V saw that staff pushing her back and suddenly went there and stopped this ! He held Shruti in his arm ....and said angrily to him " don't you dare to touch her ! " Or else " !!! !

"V " someone called him ..!

"What happened ?? " Asked jhope

" Nothing he is just not at his right mind ! " Said V pointing at that worker !

" Let's go ... We are getting late ...! Our time is also wasting bcs of some unwanted people " said Shruti !

After all this happened ....it was obvious on V's face that he was really mad ! And seeing him angry Shruti was really nervous!

Shruti's POV

Today for the first time I saw V this angry ! He is surely also angry with me ! Ohh noo !
And his mood will also effect the performance I have to do something for him ..! But I didn't said him to come between ! Ohh dumbo girl he came to save you don't be like this !

"Aahhh !" Shruti sighed ! A little loud 😅 !

"What happened Shruti ? Are you okay ...? Are you hurt anywhere ? " Asked V worriedly !

" Tell me ... I swear after performance he is going to ~~~~ .......

"Ahh .... Stop stop V everything is okay and I am too ! I m not hurt anywhere ! " But I actually want to talk to you about something ! " Said Shruti

"Yes tell me , ...what ? ..." Replied V ...

" I am sorry I didn't mean to argue and fight with him but I just didn't able to control my anger ! Pls don't let this affect your performance " ....! Said Shruti in a low voice

When Shruti said this V smiled a little and said " don't worry I am not angry with you and your anger was reasonable .. it's a good thing that you opposed him ! I'm proud of you ... but yeah one thing will always remain same that you are a DUMBO....! HAHAHA ! "

"ahh ! Then what do you think you are genius .? Aanioo.. U r super D_U_M_B_O ! " said Shruti ...

" Ohh then u r ~~~

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