imagine 1 - mission failed

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You watched silently from a tree as he sat near the river. The time was drawing closer for you to execute your mission. Killing him.

Slowly, you drew an arrow, pulling it back and readying your bow. Moments passed with your arrow drawn and aimed, but you couldn't bring yourself to release it.

A sigh of frustration at your weakness left your lips, before you lowered your aim. Gently making your way down the tree, you arrive at the bottom, and set down your bow.

Now armed with only your dagger which sat in a sheath on your thigh, you advance towards him. He still sits, unaware of you drawing closer.

Off in the distance, a twig snaps, causing him to look around for the source. His eyes land on you, and he immediately gets up drawing his weapon.

You draw your dagger, and stop where you are.

He smirks, and speaks.

"You were sent here to kill me, weren't you," he asks smugly.

"Possibly," you reply.

He then sheathes his weapon, which confuses you.

"Go on then, do your worst," he says with a smirk on his face.

You don't move.

He puts his arms out beside him as if saying 'what are you waiting for'.

"Thats what I thought," he says, letting his arms fall beside him.

You didn't know what it was. What was stopping you from completing your task. He was just another target, or was he?

All these thoughts kept you from noticing him coming closer, until he tried to grab your dagger from your hand.

You quickly wrestled him to the ground with little effort, and were now straddling him with your dagger to his throat. He didn't put up a fight, and laid there with his hands resting by his head in surrender.

Still, your dagger didn't do so much as pierce his skin. He raised his eyebrows while looking into your intense gaze, a smirk once again evident on his face.

"You should have at least asked me on a date first. What is this, second base," he asks sarcastically, which earns him a quick slap to the cheek.

You again stare him in his eyes a second longer before moving your dagger from his neck. You pick yourself up off of him and make your way back to the tree where you placed your bow.

"I suggest you leave before I change my mind and kill you," you say dryly.

"Thank you, o kind one for sparing me. I am eternally in your debt," he says mockingly.

You shoot him a cold glare at his comment.

"Ouch. Well in that case, I'll be on my way. Will we meet again," he asks.

"If we do, it will surely be so I can finish what I was supposed to do today," you respond bluntly.

"Well whatever the reason, I hope that day comes. I quite enjoyed our time together," he says, waiting for a moment for you to respond. "You are one of few words I see. I like you. Farewell for now, murderous yet fair foe," he says, turning and walking away.

A small smile made its way on your face once he was out of sight. A feeling you hadn't felt in a long time. Excitement.


im backkkkkk
its been a hot minute and i know i always come back and say im back and then leave again for months at a time, but what can i say, life gets busy. I wanted to do something different for this book, and lately enemies to lovers is whats keeping me alive at this point.

Heres a few updates
•spiderman x reader book: ik i said i was gonna bring it back, but i tried to write more chapters for it and just couldn't get it to work. This doesn't mean im giving up on it, i just cant get to it rn.

•star wars oneshots: not really focusing on it rn, but if i get a request for a specific character i can probably pump a chapter out.

•basically anything else: i mean i can try but idk what else to do lmao, kinda just chillin and hoping i just dont fail math🤠🤠

I hope you all have a great day or night or afternoon or whenever youre reading this! ttfn, ta ta for now!


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