Chapter 40

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"You good Jai?" Ashton asked me. I just nodded my head and laid down. I wasn't really in the mood to talk. And Ashton knew I was lying because he laid behind me and wrapped his arms around me. "Are you upset that you couldn't go away for college?" He asked me. I shook my head no but gave it away when I wiped my tears away. "Its cool. If you want I'll take care of Amira while you sign up to go away" Ashton said holding me still. "Awww you would do that?! But no I can't do that I barely slept being away from Amira this long" I smiled and turned his way. "I love you so much Ashton I swear I'm glad that I fell in love with you" I continued then kissed him. Ashton started smiling real hard. "I love you more shawty" he smiled and held me closer. "Of course you do but where's my baby?" I asked him. "Sleeping with Jamyra" he said. "Okay I'm going to take a nap real quick" I said and snuggled up under Ashton. "Wait tell me how the party went last night" Ashton said. "It was soooo much fun!" I cheered forgetting that Ashton knows about Malachi. "Your nigga Malachi was there?" He smirked. "Yeah he was there, we talked and all. But nothing over the top Malachi just my friend who will have a place in my heart. I actually missed him" I said seeing Ashton get upset. "Just that fast he have a special place in your heart?" He asked mugging me. "Yes. He was there when you were actually acting up" I shrugged. "You can't be dead ass. Man I'm out of here! Fuck this I'm tired of trying!!" Ashton yelled and left out of my room. I went to run after he but he was gone so I called him over twenty times. But he just wouldn't answer my phone so I laid down and fell asleep.
"Jaidell wake up. Amira is cranky" Korey said shaking me awake. So I hopped up real fast and took Amira. "Mommy missed you soooo much baby!!" I cheered tickling her. Amira laughed her hardest and started kicking her tiny legs. "That's right mommy missed her baby!" I smiled and attacked her with my kisses. And she continued to laugh while Korey came back with Jamyra. "Take her too I'm about to smoke with Luis and them" Korey said carefully putting her on my bed and ran out of my room. "Hi Myra baby!" I smiled laying her next to Amira. They both laughed and kicked their feet happily. "I guess you two are going to be trouble together huh?" I said and kissed them both. Picking up my phone I seen that Ashton had texted me.
FREVER ❤ : Smh I said I'm sorry ,No bitch and when I say no bitch I mean no bitch would ever take my princess spot , Idc what you are what you say you're not going nowhere so just just stfu and tell me you love me, cus I love you baby ❤
Instead of texting back I called Ashton, I just hopes he answer my call this time.
"Can you just come back daddy?"
Ashton started laughing at me. "Oh now I'm daddy?"
"Don't be a dick Ashton. You didn't send me that cute ass text message for no reason and PS I love you more. So are you coming or what?"
"I'll be over in ten minutes"
"Thank you". And I hung up the phone then went back to playing with Jamyra and Amira. My mom walked in my room with Michael. "Hi mommies babies and grand baby" she said kissing each of our foreheads. "Hey mommy and Michael" I smiled as Michael picked up Jamyra. "Hello Jai and mini Jai" he said then left the room. My mom took a seat on my bed, that means I must've did something wrong or she's about to have a talk with me. "So have you been looking for a job?" She asked me and I started laughing. "I have a job" I said looking at her like she was crazy. "You sure? I thought you was going to that dance thing for yourself" she said raising her eye brow. "Nope I'm working there. Why you got a job for me?" I asked her picking up Amira. "I didn't say all that its just you know" she shrugged. But I didn't know. "What?" I confused. "You already have a family of your owns. And when I had you I had my own money, car and house" she said. "I understand. Just give me sometime" I said finally getting it. That she wants me to move out of her house and be a adult that I chose to be when I decided to have Amira. Well that's not a problem to leave, I have Ashton. My mom was about to say something else but I walked out of the room with Amira. It was time for her to eat, bathe and go to bed. While I was making her bottle Ashton walked in the kitchen and took Amira out of my arms. "If you still got a attitude you can go the fuck home because I'm not up for everyone bullshit!" I snapped and took Amira right back then went back to my room. I gave Amira her bottle while holding her in my arms. "It's just us against the world Nuni and us only. You don't need anybody and neither do I, as long as we got each other we'll be happy" I smiled down as Amira drank her bottle. Ashton walked into my room and sat on the bed blocking the TV. "Jaidell what's good with you? First you ask me to come over now you kicking me out? You always on some funny shit". I sucked my teeth and continued to ignore him. "Yo I know you hear me" he said and rubbed his hands on my legs. "Let me put my daughter to sleep and I'll talk with you later" I said dryly. Amira just finished her bottle so I burped her then waited fifteen minutes so she can have a nice warm bath. I washed her up then washed her hair as she laughed for no reason, my happy baby. "Do you have a attitude?" My mom asked me while I wrapped Amira in her Princess hoodie towel. "Nope" I said and let the bathroom. Ashton was on his phone when I walked into the room. "You want me to get her dress?" Ashton asked me. "No I got her" I mumbled lotioning up Amira and put on her pamper. After putting Amira in her little night gown and socks, I laid her down in her swing then changed to Nick Jr and cut the light out. "Mommy loves you Nuni"/I smiled then kissed her. She smiled but started yawning. I grabbed my towel and went to go shower. Plugging my music up I got a text from Ashton.
FREVER : I thought we were going to talk ?
Me : We are when I get out of the shower just wait !
Getting in the shower I made sure I didn't get my hair wet then started showering. Fifteen minutes later I got out and got dressed in the bathroom with my music still playing. "Can you turn that down?!" My mom yelled at me. So I just turned it off and walked right back to my room. "Yo what's your vibe my nigga? What Malachi got a new bitch or something?!" Ashton yelled not too loud though. Ignoting him I checked on Amira and she was sleeping holding onto her pink teddy bear. "Awww Nuni" I smiled and took a picture. Then sat on my bed and posted up her picture. "Now we ignoring niggas now" Ashton mumbled. "No its not that Malachi got a new girlfriend which he clearly don't but okaaaay. The way you walked in today seemed like you had a attitude" I shrugged and Ashton sat behind me then wrapped his around me. "Why would I have a attitude when the last time you actually cared that I left was like five months ago" Ashton smiled. "I don't know it just seem like you did but I'm sorry. And Ashton I don't want Malachi, I have you which is hood enough for me" I said. Ashton started smiling then kissed my cheek. "I love you shawty". "I love you too Ash and guess what?" I said looking back at him. "What's up?" He asked. "My mom is kicking me out. There's no exact date that she wants me out but I know she wants me out" I said wiping my tears. Its hurting me more than I'm actually showing it. "Don't cry baby, you can come stay with me. You didn't even have to ask if you could stay. That's like the dumbest question ever you know I got you and Amira. You two are the reason why I wake up and get this money to keep my little family happy and fly. You feel me? Stop crying Jai" he said holding me. "Thanks Ashton. So can we leave tomorrow as soon as we wake up? I'm going to show her I don't need her help or any of that" I said wiping my tears. "We can do whatever you want Jai" he smiled. I started smiling and kissed him. "Thank you again. Now let's get some rest" Then we both laid down together. "Don't sweat it you know I got you" Ashton said laying behind me. I fell asleep with the only smile on my face. Its not like I wasn't happy in my mom house but the way she just did a whole 360 one was crazy. Knowing how my dad is going to react to this, I'm just going to let her tell him.
Waking up seeing that my room was already empty besides Amira crib and my bed, I smiled and looked over to Ashton. But he was gone and so was Amira. Getting out of the bed my mom called my name so I went to her room. "Yeah?" I asked her. "Can you watch Jamyra for me?" She smiled. "I can't I'm actually unpacking in my new house" I said and the look on her face was hilarious. "Oh okay" she said with the only attitude. Yeah I guess she thought I was going to beg her for me to stay, buy Jaidell isn't really a ass kisser and out of everybody she should know that. I walked out of her room and went back in mine to get dressed. And Ashton was calling my phone.
"Yes baby?"
"Oh I was just checking if you was awake"
"Yeah I'm dresses and everything. I'm about to make my way over there I just need to grab my laptop and some other things"
"Alright and Amira is with Rose. She wouldn't leave the room until I let her take Amira"
"Its cool and she's super cute for that but see you later Ashton"
"Alright hurry thickems". I started laughing then hung up the phone. Here came Riley walking in my room. "I don't know what's up with you Jaidell but I miss my god child! And what the hell happened to your room?!" She yelled at me. And I started laugjng at her. "Relax Riley it's just that I've been working and going to school then this week I went to Kiara sleepover" I laughed as we hugged. "Okay and what's going on with your room?" She asked looking around. "My mom kicked me out" I shrugged. "No she didn't!" Riely yelled at me. I just shrugged my shoulders and put my laptop in my duffel bag then put all my make up in my make up bag. "Why? Did you and her have a fight or something?" She asked so confused just as I was. "Not at all but you know how that goes. So I'm just respecting it and getting out" I said and walked out of my room. You can see the steam coming from my mom ears and nose as we made our way to the door. "That's fucking ridiculous. So where are you staying?" Riley asked me. "With Ashton for now" I smiled and she started smiling. "Awww you guys made up?". "Yeah took us forever but we bounced back" I smiled and opened up my car. "Okay so I'm coming with you. I really miss my god baby and all my friends ask about her all the time!" Riley said getting in my car. "Awww you can take her for the night if you want to because Ashton and I are going to be busy fixing up the room" I smiled and pulled off driving away. "Two nights please!" Riley begged and I started laughing. "Okay but bring my baby back early I'm the morning" I joked and we started laughing.
Getting to Ashton's house, I had to ring the bell like five times and here came Ashton opening the door. "Rose still got Amira". "Okay and Riley taking her for two days is that okay?" I asked while we walked in together. "I got to think about it, I don't want my baby to come back acting like Mohammed Ali" Ashton joked while we laughed at him. "I see you made up your mind. Where's my god baby?" Riley asked walking through the house. "She with my cousin!" Ashton said. Once she was out of sight Ashton kissed me and squeezed my butt. "Stop ugly but come on let's finish packing my things!" I cheered grabbing his hands and running up the stairs to his room. "Did your mom say anything?" Ashton asked me. "She wanted me to watch Jamyra yeaaah fucking right!!" I laughed as my phone buzzed from my dad calling me. "Who's that?" Ashton asked me. "My dad" I said preparing for the worst.
"Hi dad!"
"Jaidell if you don't get your ass back in that house.... I would have no problem coming to California"
"But she kicked me out!!"
"Who are you yelling at?"
"But dad I swear. She came home from somewhere with Michael and then he left the room and she was all like I had my own money, car and house when I got pregnant with you. No shit you had to be what twenty four or twenty five!! I'll be out your house before that age too"
"Stop yelling and do what I said. Don't make me say it again"
"Wow so she can just kick me out again?"
"Jaidell your mom is sending the moving truck over to Ashton's house around eight or so. Have everything outside by then"
"Okaaaaay" and I hung up the phone. "She told your dad?!" Ashton snickered. "Yeah and he's all on her side but whatever. I'm just going to stay over here for a while" I shrugged. "That would've been fun having you live here" Ashton sighed. "I guess I'm not that grown after all" I said.
Should I write a Often 2 ? Thanks to all of the Often fans ! Even the silent readers !

Hey Guys I want you to check out my new book it's called, Home Of The Tiger. 


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