♥︎Fall moon dance pt.1 ♥︎

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(Btw my e-mail is signed in to a different acc so when I try to use it for this acc it doesn't work properly so I can't reply to everything and for what I can it's only about two sentences soooo :\ trust me I've tried everything! And I don't have another e-mail to use soooo that also great ANYWAY enjoy the story UwU)

you've lived in Encanto your entire life and every ten years you have the pink moon festival you would have only been a baby when you went to it but know it's coming up again and there a giant festival all about with a dance and food it's absolutely beautiful and at the end you get to light a candle and let it float down the river

It's a beautiful site and you love to listen to the story about it and there was only one guy that came to your mind to ask to the dance


But you've never talked to him before- well unless you count asking for a few things or asking for help with questions.. so you've never really talked to him

So you try your best to build up your confidence to walk to him you look around the town trying to find him and soon you do he's with some of his friends messing around you still didn't have the courage to talk to him yet so you were kinda just stood there trying to sike yourself up and say what you want to say in your head (we've all done it when we had a conversation in our heads) and then suddenly you feel a tap on your shoulder making your jump and snap out of your trance "sorry..!" You hear as
you look over to who it was, it was one of Camilo's cousin Maribel "no it's fine..I'm sorry was there something you wanted..?" She shakes her head "no you were just stood here look over over at the boys I thought they might of did something but I guess not" "they didn't don't worry..bye" you then walk away with Maribel waving bye a little confused

You weren't looking where you were going so you crashed right into someone "I'm sorry I-" you looked up at who it was and It was Camilo "it's alright" you were completely confused you thought he was right there with his friends you looked back and then looked over him "you alright there..?" He questions as you nod "yeah I'm sorry.. I wasn't looking where I was going.." he nods "well alright... hey can I actually ask you something or do you need to get somewhere" you were a little nervous but shook your head "no what's the question" he nods and gives you a bit of a awkward smiles as he shifts on his feet "ah yeah.. well you know the dance?" You nod "good well yeah I was thinking we- no ones taking you right...?" He quickly cuts himself of asking you yet another question as you shake your head as he goes of muttering to himself again. You smile to yourself with a little sigh you get him to look at you "yes I would love to go with you" you then hear your name being called so you wave goodbye leaving him stunned

You walk back home thinking of your conversation with Camilo with the normal thought of; 'WHY DID I DO THAT!?' 'WHY DID HE ASK ME OUT OF EVERYONE?!' 'Are we gonna meet somewhere and talk about this??' 'What will his family think??' 'What will my family think??!!!!!?' Yeah just the normal as you make your way out of threw the streets with all the thoughts welling in your head you sit take a seat on a bench near your mum completely spaced out

You mum observed being your mother knew something was up "so?" She starts "are we gonna do this the hard or easy way?" She says with a smile as she crosses her arms "... Camilo asked me out to the dance..!" You say half still in shock yourself as her eyes go wide "the little trouble maker from the Madrigal family?" You crossed your arms giving her that look "He's not a trouble makers he's just.. a bit of a jokester" you dad then come back about to ask your mum something and then looks over at you then your mum then your again "you two are ether having a important conversation or you too are just very very similar...?" He mumbles as he goes back into the house leaving a little bit of an awkward vibe but you soon shake it of as well as you mum "so? What did he say?" You shrugged "he come over to me.. and then asked me out.. I'm still kinda professing it so.. I'm just gonna to go my room and let it settle" you say as you get up waving to your mum walking to your room and she nods you plop on your bed and look at the ceiling letting your mind branch of front yours and Camilo conversation and thinking of what you two can do or talk about at the festival

Soon the sun set making a dim light in your room you get your outfit ready for the festive and how you want to look your makeup if your gonna use that and how you'll do your hair as it is only in a day or so you then get ready for bed and sleep

(Sorry that took so long! I got writers block so here the first chapter for this I'll continue it soon it will at the layers be out next week! Hope you enjoyed it so far!! And idk y but I'm so parking if that drawing of Camilo XD I just find it so cute!)

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